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If you could change?


Well-Known Member
If you could change what you look like what would you look like I'd look like what I do in my sig. also if you could pick a pokemon for your starter that's not a normal starter what would you pick?

if this is aginest the rules feel free to get ride of it.


Well-Known Member
i would want to look like a guitarist. they are cool. as for an other starter, i don't really care.


fuk yo couch ***** !
i wouldnt mind being steven. i guess that'd be kinda cool.
plus i guess a beldum or maybe even an eevee would be a pretty cool starter. i must admit though, i do like the original starters.


Well-Known Member
I likem to but I still would like to have an Eevee even more then them.


Well-Known Member
id like to see a spinoff pokemon game that features the beginings of lance the dragon type first elite four champion

starter would be dratini

or maybe since this would fit on a ds cartridge

a game with multiple stories of the different champions they would all have different starters

wallace- i would say feebas but that wouldnt make any sense

the wouldnt really be that fun but maybe they might have some connectability with the 4th gen


Well-Known Member
that would be cool but I'd like it if you could play as gary or on gold,silver,and crystal play as silvr (gold's rival)


Well-Known Member
on my game would like to be able to look like the trainer from gsc


Power of the mind
I would like to be the male psychic trainer only dressed in purple and jet black.

Starter would be Eevee.


Eevee Trainer
I'd love to either start as a Lady or a Team Magma trainer with an Eevee as my starter.


Well-Known Member
As a Female: Clair (GSC) or Lucy (Battle Pike) But a different color set (hair and clothes). Or as a Water gym leader (like Misty) May in the swimsuit would be nice :)
As a Male: Cloths in black Medium Length Hair, Maybe a steven form but with black hair.

Starters: Pokemon with 3 evos: Dratini, Larvitar, Ralts. But this won't have sense a little.


Zubat, Pidgey, Mareep
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Gust of Wind
I'd look like Flannery


<Pikachu got Owned!
I'd be an electrician. I'm pretty sure they avent been seen since R/B/Y but an updated sprite would be nice anyway.

Starter: Magnemite =)


r u not entertained
I'd be looking like this guy :
and my starter would be a Houndour, Remoraid, Teddiursa, Aron, Psyduck, Phanpy, Slowpoke or Electrike.


Wooper Kid
I would want to be a Ranger because he is a pimp. For a starting pokemon..;194; ;194; Wooper!


Well-Known Member
I'd be the Emerald Male Sprite probably cause thats the koolest sprite so fat and my starter would be phanpy or Aipom


Powerplay Champion
psssh a cooltrainer with emerald colors instead of red:)