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if you could choose one pokemon


lol at you
if you lived in the pokemon world, which pokemon would you choose to fight along with you. Kinda like ash and his pikachu.. so post which one you would take... i would take a mawile.. it's so cute and cool... post, dont pick legends.

Fighting Dark Man

Everyone's Nightmare
I don't know. But I believe I shall wish for a Heracross. Give me one with Brick Break and Megahorn and I shall be just fine. And I don't want any ignorant noobs asking me "Well, what about Sneasel?" The answer is obvious. No, I'm not telling you. If you don't know, you're an idiot and don't need to know.


Eevee Trainer
Eevee, obviously. That way I could have my clan as soon as possible! That and they're so cute, many trainers will underestimate our strength!

Another choice if Eevee wasn't available would be an Abra. They grow fast, and once it becomes a Kadabra, will learn several moves that could protect itself and me as well as kick gym leader ***!

Fighting Dark Man

Everyone's Nightmare
i would choose mew i dont know y but i would choose mew

Sorry, no legends. What? Hey battay, don't get mad at me for doing this. I figured I'd save you the trouble of reminding this person you don't want people to post legends. Okay, fine. You don't like people doing favors. I'll remember this.

O Fortuna

Velut luna.
Y halo thar Jynx!

What else would I want? I mean, I'd start off with my level 1 Smoochum but as soon as she evolves into Jynx, I'll have the world's #1 kinky S&M Pogeymanz by my side and nobody would stop us! [/geek]


lol at you
Sorry, no legends. What? Hey battay, don't get mad at me for doing this. I figured I'd save you the trouble of reminding this person you don't want people to post legends. Okay, fine. You don't like people doing favors. I'll remember this.

hey man chill, you beat me to it..


Charmingly Cynical
See the above pic. Growlithe, baby!

Flame Haze SnS

I would go for Absol. It's so cool and cute and is loyal to me! *shifty eyes* What?