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if you dont consider this weird... then your weird

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i was playing pkmn colloseum and i was in the deep colloseum, i was playing the first match of one colloseum and they rainer sent out a machop and a machoke .. i get rid of the machoke esily with my metagrosses phsycic, and my swampert nearly fainted the machop.

so the trainer sends out an ursaring in place of the machoke and the machop uses his move.. toxic.. i though nothing of this at first as he was on his last 2 and it wouldnt tak long to defeat him, but to my suprise, he uses it on the ursaring, which would have been the machoke...

now i dont understand why this could happen but it might be for the attack that increases in power when you have a status problem( cant remember the name of it though) can anyone shed any light on it?


Well-Known Member
That's meant to happen. In Colo, there's more strategy, such as Evice using Slowking's Skill Swap on Slaking. The one you said makes Facade stronger, which is the move you said.

Poke Freak

That Ursaring probally does have the move Facade, which does double the power when it is used by a pokemon that had a status effect. Also take a good look at Ursaring's ability guts, which increases Ursaring's attack power by 1.5 when it's effected by some status effect. If that bear managed to get a hit in than it would have at least greatly crippled any poke that does not resist normal type attacks.


i just thoght it was a bit weird.. but then it happened again with another trainer and a milotic.. i know that milotics defense gets increased but it certainly didnt have facade... but why would you want to have you pokemon with a status condition like burn or posion? i would possibly understand parylization as it doesnt hurt the pkmn at the end of the turn...

Shadow the Hedgehog

Burn would suck as it would lower your attack but in a facade combo poison isn't that bad. If you are paralyzed you might lose a speed advantage.


Your mom
Shadow the Hedgehog said:
Burn would suck as it would lower your attack but in a facade combo poison isn't that bad. If you are paralyzed you might lose a speed advantage.
Actually, the Gut's trait makes them immune to the attack lowering effect of Burn (making it a slightly bigger poison), the reason it isn't used is because the only burn effect move that has any reliability has 75% accuracy. But you're right about the other stuff.
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