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If you hold a Pass Scarf...


Well-Known Member
There's a slim chance you do get the damage... Plus, even if not, you still have a belly to worry about--Never completely unbeatable.


Glitch Hunting Freak
It blocks any move that affect only enemies one square away.
That means throw items, the elemental beams, and radius attacks wouldn't be blocked. In a sence you are invinsible. But if you are asleap or belly is 5 and lower it won't help you. It is what got me to floor 90 of purity forest. (still need to be saved ;_; )
SFN: Yeah, that damn hunger mechanic ._.;; But I don't really worry about that, since I always find food in Wish Cave, and Reviver Seeds can you save you from hunger, too

SCM: Bumber. Though that's not so bad because when I travel through Wish Cave, I barely get hit by a long range attack or attack item

Thanks for the info


Well-Known Member
Ah? For Wish Cave? Yes, people always say to bring plenty of food, but I always find a million Huge Apples there anyway. Should be easy. I could try it some time...Heheh.


Well-Known Member
Pass Scarfs are great, just be careful since it will pass attacks onto any nearby pokemon, and that includes your team mates.
It also doesn't seem to work on bosses


Psychic Trainer
also, ur pokes dont get experience if the foe is defeated by passing damage. :p


=/ i had one.
i went through the great canyon or something like that, and a phanpy was using me. ._.
it attacked me, i spun around and hit my torchic. >_< then i kept doing that and my torchic fainted