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If you were a gym leader~

I couldn't find anything recent of this genre so...

if pokemon were real, and the leagues existed, and you had the chance, what type of gym leader would you be?
This of course doesnt necessarily mean your favourite type. Just the type you'd use in a gym.

Which pokemon would you use?

Where in the world would you base your gym? Would your type/pokemon reflect this location?

I'd be a rock gym leader in Southern England. Preferably in a historic city.
Rock's not my favourite type, but it's one I'd like to give a go xD

Aerodactyl, Omastar, Solrock, Cradily.
(No need to have 6 pokemon if you're a gym leader)

Though electric is tempting, especially since thrtres the new electrolevitate move :eek:

go go go


Blaziken rules!
I would be a Fire gym leader. My Pokémon would be: Blaziken lv. 40, Charizard lv. 36, Camerupt lv. 38 and Magcargo lv. 38.


Slow and steady baby
I would have a bad *** Cacturn with Ingrain/Leech Seed and Leftovers.

He would Toxic/Sandstorm/Needle Arm everything.
i would be a poison gymleader in amsterdam

i would pick...crobat,muk,weezing,arbok and swalot


Oh noes, toast =O
Grass / Bug type, Gym would be in the British Countryside
Cacturne Lv 35
Roselia evo lv 34
Victorybell lv 40
Butterfree lv 32


Well-Known Member
O: I'm writing a story with real life places having Pokémon Gyms and such. I would be the leader of my Gym, in Christina Lake, British Columbia. Water-type, for sure, plus, it would be a double-battle.

Croconaw - Level 43
Marshtomp - Level 43
Lapras - Level 45
Floatsel - Level 44


Requiem's Eclipse

Hopelessly Hopeful
I'd be the Champion and be in NYC and have this party

Lockhart/Goukazaru: Lv.75 (Last Out)
Toliono/Rentoraa: Lv.72 (3 or 4 out)
Sactrophe/ Yukimeneko: Lv. 72 (3 or 4 out)
Mirdgenga/ Erureido: Lv. 74 (5 out)
Slinther/Kaburaisu: Lv. 70 (2 out)
Aliana/ Mimiroppu: Lv. 70 (1 out)
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Razor Shiftry

Cynthia = Porn Star
i'd be a gym leader in Bristol (england) and have ground pokemon or water pokemon...


Leader in Osaka, Japan (Its fairly near to the sea IIRC)
Type: Water
Team (Final)
- Starmie
- Swampert
- Gyarados
- Lanturn
- Emperuto
- Ludicolo

Each designed to cover other's weaknesses. Emperuto's Steel type comes in handy sometimes. Ludicolo for Grass pokemon. Lanturn for paralysis and another electric resistance. Swampert GGs Electrics, and covers Metagrosses and Tyranitars and Salamence. Gyarados as a second backup Grass killer, also a powerful Dragon Dancer, knowing Aqua Tail, Earthquake and Stone Edge to go along with it (Stone Edge does a fair amount to Grass types: Dotaitos gets Aqua Tailed, Breloom doesn't hurt Gyara)


Well-Known Member
I'd be located in Barnstaple - a small town in the south west of england.

I'd be partially located on a beach and also on the hills by my house - it isn't far from the beach...

I'd have a different team every year and my gym is varied types.

Team pattern...

Fire starter final evo - lv 65
Water starter final evo - lv.65
Grass starter final evo - lv.65
Flier dual type - lv. 62
Psychic dual type - lv.63
Fighting or steel dual type - lv.60

what do you think?


(Doesn't this belong in Pokepolls?)

Id be Bruce (Not my real name) the Fighting type trainer.
Lucario lv87 only.


Well-Known Member
I'd be in my home town and you have to battle me on the information desk where I work, ha ha... relax, it is 10 foot long. Team would be Sneasel, Persian, Misdreavus, Cradily, Rentoraa and Gyarados. Yay for using your favourites and not sticking to a certain type.


Steel/Fighting with a Lucario and Rioru, not quite sure about location.

Flame Haze SnS

I would be a Dark/Steel type Gym Leader. Absol, Lucario, Steelix, Dorapion. THat's it...


Heart & Soul...
I would be the champion, and I would be Normal Type.
I would be at Canvas Island, an island infested with smeargle!
And If you ment the real world, then...uhh...Toronto!

Smeargle: lv.65
Porygon Z: lv.61
Togekiss: lv.59
Biidaru: lv. 55
Biidaru: lv. 54
Toros: lv. 70

I'd be the husband of the Normal Type leader from GSC!
My reward...the chapionship and the Canvas Badge,
an Item that can change the type of a normal type attack with paint brushes!
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O Fortuna

Velut luna.
I'd be an Ice type Gym Leader. I've thought about that since way back in RBY. I would have the following Pokemon:

Jynx (F)
Miltank (F)
Manmuu (M)
Lapras (F)
Yukinooh (M)

After some time, I imagine I'd be bored of being a Gym Leader and I would challenge the Australian Pokemon League (not sticking to just those Ice types) and preferably become the champion in which case I'd have the following:

Jynx (F)
Miltank (F)
Toridepusu (M)
Claydol/Donphan (M)
Erureido (M)/Heracross (M)/Breloom (F)
Gardevoir (F)