Create Your Own Gym:
~~Gym Info~~
Location: Dragon City (Picture:
Badge: Pokémon Badge
Specialty: Dragon Pokémon with special powers
Trainers: 2 Blackbelts, 2 Sailors, 2 Hikers, 2 Gangsters (new trainers that I created), 3 male Cool Trainers, 3 female Cool Trainers and 1 Gym Leader.
Description: I'll just post a picture:
Prizes: Pokémon Badge (makes your Pokémon level up 1.5 times faster) and TM51, Horn Drill (can be learnt by any Pokémon that can learn Horn Drill by any other way, Heracross, Hitmontop, Spinarak, Ariados, Aggron and Cloyster)
~~Leader Info~~
Name: Pokémon Master Ryuumaru
Age: 1337
Gender: Male
Bio: Ryuumaru is an extremely powerful fighter himself. He has a sword called Dragon Sword, which has three forms. In one form, it looks like an ordinary katana, and this is the form Dragon Sword usually stays as when it is not in use. Its second form has a red hilt, a single dragon wing attached to the hilt, a thicker blade and there are spikes all over the blade, some of which are curved inwards and others are curved outwards. Fire can come out of the blade if the wielder of the sword wants it to, and there is a powerful poison on the tip of every single spike of the blade. All of this gives the sword much better offensive power. This form of the sword is summoned if the sword's regular form is not enough to defeat the enemy. The final form of Dragon Sword has a purple hilt, two green dragon wings attached to the hilt and a golden blade. When this form is summoned, the wielder grows angel wings made of blue light which allows him to fly and cast powerful angel spells such as lightning and judgment. He can also blast powerful beams of angelic light and Hyper Beams out of this form of his sword without the need to recharge.
Here are some other things Ryuumaru can do:
- Stop a sword, knife or bullet by catching it between his index finger and his middle finger.
- Deflect bullets with his sword.
- Deflect missiles and rockets with his palm.
- Blast green or orange fire out of his mouth and control surrounding lightning, earth, wind and water.
- Run across the surface of water.
- By moving his feet in a special way, he can move his body within a certain distance at super-speed.
- Perform a powerful attack called Dragon Punch, an attack where he makes green fire appear in his fist and punches the enemy. When he hits an enemy, the green fire forms in the shape of a large winged dragon.
- Use Fire Punch, Ice Punch and Thunder Punch.
- Create tornados by twirling his sword around.
- Blast electricity out of his index finger.
He can also transform into a gigantic winged dragon if he wants, though he never does this unless it's a last resort in a fight.
Pokémon: Ryuumaru's Pokémon are Gyarados, Arcanine, Latias, Latios, Tyranitar and Dragonite. All of Ryuumaru's Pokémon have special abilities. They are:
Gyarados - This Gyarados can blast fire out of its mouth with the same style and destructive power of a machinegun.
Arcanine - Ryuumaru's Arcanine has the ability to manipulate wind and cause huge tornados. It can guard itself from attacks by surrounding itself with a mini-cyclone, and it can cut enemies by creating sharp blades made of air. It also has an attack where it surrounds itself with flames, grows wings made of fire and charges up a powerful fiery tackle.
Latias - This Latias has the ability to transform into different things.
Latios - This Latios has the power to create illusions.
Tyranitar - This Tyranitar has the ability to control sand, which it can use both to attack the enemy and defend itself from enemy's attacks. It can create a gigantic sand tidal wave to bury the enemy alive, crush the enemy with sand and even create clones of itself using sand, though the sand clones aren't as strong, fast or smart as the real Tyranitar, and they are usually destroyed in one hit.
Dragonite - Ryuumaru's Dragonite is the only Dragonite in the world which can use both Extremespeed and Horn Drill. It can combine Extremespeed and Horn Drill together in one move, allowing it to kill enemies long before they realize what they're fighting. This Dragonite can also combine Extremespeed with other moves like Iron Tail, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Thunderpunch and Dynamic Punch if it feels those moves are enough to finish the enemy. Its Extremespeed is also not limited for offensive purposes, and it can be used to dodge almost any attacks easily, including bullets and Ice Beams. Combine that with its ability to fly, Ryuumaru's Dragonite is almost impossible to hit as it can move at any direction at super-speed.