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If you were a Pokémon, who would you want for your trainer?


Well-Known Member
Soooooo... I'm sure this wasn't your intention, but you're basically asking which human character we would want to be owned/controlled by, which has the potential for some weird/unsettling implications :/


Canada Connoisseur
Soooooo... I'm sure this wasn't your intention, but you're basically asking which human character we would want to be owned/controlled by, which has the potential for some weird/unsettling implications :/

If I were a Pokémon, I definitely wouldn't want to be owned by a Trainer like pre-Journeys Paul or Damien from the OS episode "Charmander - The Stray Pokémon". If I remember correctly, before he belonged to Ash, Tepig also had a Pokémon abuser as a Trainer too.


Geeta is utterly incapable of holding back.
I’m a wild pokemon and no one can owned me.


New Member
I am a Pokemon, im the Pokemon Treter. Its a fusion Pokemon. Its a grass poison Pokemon but has some ghost properties. A grass ghost would be pretty good in Battle.