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If you were an character in the animé...


Well-Known Member
If you were an character in the animé...

If you were an character in the animé, which Pokémons would be in your team (no legendaries, but you may choose 1-off pokémons, such as Snorlax, Sudowoodo, etc. and fossil Pokémons (Omastar, Kabutops, etc.)?

Mine would be:

1. Torkoal (He may follow me on foot, or if he wants to, i could also hold him while walking (if i still could walk with such a heavy thing on my back))
2. Elekid.
3. Omastar.
4. Cradilly.
5. Megayamna (He'd be my flyer)
6. Any Pokémon i'd encounter and catch.


So hot he's on fire.
Oh yay, another bad-fanfic-kind of thread.

1. Hariyama
2. Medicham
3. Xatu
4. Shiftry
5. Cloyster
6. Starmie

there. :>

Umbreon Rider

Tolkien fan 4 eva
mine would be:
Umbreon follows me on foot

and of course an army of eevees in the box:D


ThE FalLeN AnGeL
the pokemon in my sig, weavile (who'd walk alongside me), absol, houndoom, donkarasu, sharpedo and shiftry


It's good to b back!
-Blaziken ;257;


The Chosen One...
Awww No regice?!!? =( Errrrr...

1. Bulbasaur
2. Espeon
3. Gardevoir
4. Tarous
5. Primape
6. Would Change frequently =)


formerly R. New
My ORIGINAL team would be: Pochama (my starter), Rhyhorn, Subomi, Zangoose, which would ride in some sort of a sling over my shoulder instead of in a ball, Ralts and Sneasel.
But these would all eventually be their final forms (with Ralts having become Erureido).
Then I would find Ash, and challenge him to a double battle against my Enperuto and Dosaidon. AND I WOULD PWN HIM!
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