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If your playing the original games, where are you now?


used Metronome!
Alright... UPDATE! I beat Gary, got Cut, and taught it to Petal, who finally now has a decent non-Grass-type move to use! :) I then proceeded to beat L.T. Surge. My pokémon are now as follows:

Current Team ::
;005; [Helios, LV 25]
;017; [Wind, LV 25]
;056; [Monkey, LV 25]
;044; [Petal, LV 25]

and I think one is LV 26, but I can't remember. O.O Anyhoo... I'm not sure what the next two additions to my team will be... probably a Water-type like Vaporeon...


Well-Known Member
Ok, I have just got to Celadon City and my pokemon are:

Mew. Lv. 35.
Raichu. Lv. 35.
Alakazam. Lv. 35.
Ninetales. Lv. 35.
Pidgeotto. Lv. 35.
Wartortle. Lv. 35.

I am going to train them to Level 40 and then go face team rocket.


used Metronome!

Hurrah for updates! What's new? I went to Celadon, beat the Game Corner stuff and Erika. I got Eevee, and using the Water Stone, made it evolve to Vaporeon! I also bought a Leaf Stone and evolved Petal! :) My team is now...

Current Team ::
;005; [Helios, LV 31]
;017; [Wind, LV 31]
;057; [Monkey, LV 31]
;045; [Petal, LV 31]
;134; [Tsunami, LV 31]

And I'm unsure as to what my sixth and final pokémon will be... So, I'm off to the Pokémon Tower in Lavender.

Magma Instinct

Cinnabar Island
Name: Mason
Game: Red

;049; [Areotic Moth--Lv.100]
;000; [Kicker--Lv.140,hahahaha]
;094; [Ghoster--Lv.100]
;151; [Alpha--Lv.100]
;150; [Omega--Lv.100]
;003; [Root--Lv.100]​

Opal Pikachu13

Well-Known Member
Well, I'm in the Rock Tunnel, close to getting to Lavendar Town, but I'm going to pass Lavendar Town to get to Celadon, I want to get the Eevee, and either evolve it into a Vaporeon or a Jolteon, then cut through the Saffron entrance to get back into Cerulean to get my Meowth from Day Care.

My team is as follows:
;025; Pikachu- level 26
;005; Charmeleon- level 23
;017; Pidgeotto- level 24
;019; Ratatta- level 23
future team members:
;052; Meowth and ;133;Eevee/Jolteon or Vaporeon ;134; ;135;
Last edited:


Well-Known Member

I am now at Saffron City, and my pokemon are:

Mew. Lv. 45
Blastoise. Lv. 45
Alakazam. Lv. 45
Ninetales. Lv. 45
Raichu. Lv. 45
Pidgeot. Lv. 45

I have beaten Team Rocket once again and I am going to go face Sabrina.


Yay, finally managed to play yellow again! Anyways, here is the update.
Pikachu: Lv 39
Ninetales: Level 41
Kadabra: Level 41
Venasaur: Level 40
Vaporeon: Level 28
Pideot: Level 38
(Don't remember the exact levels but those are my best guesses)
I have gone through the Pokemon Tower and then finish off Team Rocket at the Sliph. Company in Safforn City. Probably later I will train my Vaporeon really hard and go beat Sabrina the Gym Leader.


used Metronome!
UPDATE! Hurray! So, I've determined my sixth pokeymon! It's Haunter! I caught one in the Pokémon Tower at LV 28 and am currently training it to be on par with my LV 32s... 8D

Current Team ::
;005; [Helios, LV 32]
;017; [Wind, LV 32]
;057; [Monkey, LV 32]
;045; [Petal, LV 32]
;134; [Tsunami, LV 33]
;093; [Spirit, LV 29]

Okeydokes! So, I finished the whole Pokémon Tower thingy, and am going to Saffron methinks to Silph Co.! I forget what happens... It's been so long since I last actually commitedly played R/B/Y.


Well, I managed to get through cycling road (dang poison attacks!) and managed to beat Koga the Fuisha Gym Leader! (Was about to go against Sabrina but decided to train Vaporeon and the rest before against Sabrina).
Now, here is where my Pokemon standing righ now:
Pikachu: Level 40
Kadabra: Level 43
Pidgeot: Level 40
Vaporeon: Level 39 (been training it a lot)
Ninetales: Level 41
Venusaur: Level 43

-=Darkness of Umbreon=-

<-winning with it
Well, I haven't played in a time but right now I have in yellow: (trying to keep a different team than my emerald)

;034; lvl:31
;094; lvl:31
;130; lvl:31
;025; lvl:32

;058; getting soon

Training right now to beat Koga, then to beat Erika.


used Metronome!
I beat Silph Co. and all that jazz... and am kind of annoyed. All my pokeymon are only level 36 and the gym leaders coming up are in the forties! o_O Uh... yeah... Well, I'm pleased that Helios and Wind finally evolved! Yays!

Current Team ::
;006; [Helios, LV 36]
;018; [Wind, LV 36]
;057; [Monkey, LV 36]
;045; [Petal, LV 36]
;134; [Tsunami, LV 36]
;093; [Spirit, LV 36]

Captain Brain

Well-Known Member
I beat the first six leaders in Red. I have, however, restarted the game a couple times, and the only reason I got it. (Other than the fact I was bored and I am trying to get one of each games.) Is that I could get my Pokedex completed in my Silver, and guess what, I have all but Mew and I didn't half to cheat to do it. ;025;

Ben Kenobi

Well-Known Member
On my Blue version I have done the game 100% and have all Lv100 Pokemon (courtesy of Missingo) and on Yellow I am in Victory Road but my younger brother's idiot ex-friend screwed up my file.


used Metronome!
Yay! Another update! I've beaten Sabrina and Koga, and have defeated Zapdos and Articuno (as I wanted the experience points instead) and am now at Cinnabar Island. Here's my team:

Current Team ::
;006; [Helios, LV 42]
;018; [Wind, LV 42]
;057; [Monkey, LV 42]
;045; [Petal, LV 42]
;134; [Tsunami, LV 42]
;093; [Spirit, LV 42]

I'm planning to evolve Spirit soon, too.

Opal Pikachu13

Well-Known Member
Well, I've made it from Rock Tunnel, went to Celadon and obtained the Eevee. I have bought a Water Stone and evolved it into Vaporeon. I'm keeping a Thunder Stone in case I want my Pikachu to evolve. I've cut through Saffron to get back to the Cerulean Daycare to pick up my Meowth, I'm training Meowth now in the grass area close to Cycling Road and have caught a Raticate. I'm going to catch a Doduo later.

My updated team is now:
;025; Pikachu- level 27
;134; Vaporeon- level 25
;005; Charmeleon- level 24
;052; Meowth- level 19
;019; Ratatta- level 23
;017; Pidgeotto- level 25


used Metronome!
I defeated Blaine, Giovanni, and Gary on the road to the Pokémon League. I haven't leveled up too greatly, however. I'm quite happy, though, because I found two very useful TMs in the Pokémon Mansion, Solarbeam, which Petal now knows, and Blizzard, which Tsunami now knows. I also evolved Spirit into a Gengar. Now it's off to face the Elite 4 for me! It's sad that soon the game'll be over... but then there's Silver to play! :)

Current Team ::
;006; [Helios, LV 45]
;018; [Wind, LV 45]
;057; [Monkey, LV 45]
;045; [Petal, LV 45]
;134; [Tsunami, LV 45]
;094; [Spirit, LV 45]


Well-Known Member

Ok, I have now caught Zapdos and Articuno, and have beaten Blaine, now I will train my Pokemon to Level 52, then go face Giovanni. :)

Raichu. Lv. 49
Pidgeot. Lv. 49
Blastoise. Lv. 49
Alakazam. Lv. 49
Mew. Lv. 49
Charizard. Lv. 56

I traded my Charizard from Pokemon Silver, because I evolved Ninetales too quick (Was so stupid that night :p), so it didn't and can't learn the attacks it would have got at vulpix, such as Flamethrower. So I swaped it for a charizard since I messed up.