Well my journey on Pokemon Green continues..... recently I have saved the Game Corner from Team Rocket and obtained the Silph Scope, then went back to Pokemon Tower and caught a Haunter and a Gastly. I also saved the Pokemon Tower and rescued the old man who then gave me the Poke Flute. I wanted to go to Fuschia City anyways, I ended up escaping the Snorlax after it knocked out my Pikachu, went down Cycling Road, fought some bikers and used my Meowth most of the battles ( I wanted it to get experience.) Then when I reached Fuschia, a Bird trainer battled me with 2 Spearows and a Fearow, beated all of them, then used Meowth to fight a wild Spearow, then when it reached level 28........ it evolved into a Persian! Then it was off to Safari Zone. I have caught a Venonat, a Rhyhorn, and a Exeggcute there. I really want a Nidorino or a Nidorina, I failed to catch those, they ran. And I was close on catching a Pinsir too. Well, I'm going to keep looking around in there for a while until I catch a Nidorina or a Nidorino. I might swap Ratatta off my team for one of them.
EDIT: Well, I decided to that I wanted some different Pokemon on my team, and a Mew of my own, so I tried the Mew trick, and got myself one, and I used it to find two other Pokemon I didn't expect to find on Green, Arbok and Arcanine! So my team has changed, but Pikachu, Vaporeon, and Persian are still there. I'm training Arcanine now, then I'll train Arbok then I'll be off to save the Silph building from Team Rocket!
Updated team
Pikachu ;025;
Vaporeon ;134;
Persian ;053;
Mew ;151;
Arcanine ;059;
Arbok ;024;