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If your playing the original games, where are you now?

Opal Pikachu13

Well-Known Member
I've got my 4th badge by clearing off the Grass Pokemon Gym. Then I've obtained the Silph Scope by getting through the secret hideout and battling Giovanni in the Rocket Game Corner in order to see what the Ghosts in Pokemon Tower are. I've caught a Vulpix on the way there. In Pokemon Tower, I've caught a Haunter and a Gastly. I have beaten the Ghost Marowak and now going to fight the Team Rocket members in the last room. My team is starting to level up more!
Pikachu ;025; level 29
Vaporeon ;134; level 29
Charmeleon ;005; level 28
Pidgeotto ;017; level 27
Ratatta ;019; level 27
Meowth ;052; level 26

Mega Trickster

Blargagh blargh
In Green I have just saved Silph CO. and I'm onto get my 6th badge then after that get Articuno, The ledgendary chicken! *is shot by Articuno fans*

My team is Mew, Venusaur, Pidgeot, Raichu, Onix, and Vaporeon.
Right now, im in the seafoam islands trying 2 catch the amazing frozen ostrich!
my team
;049; ;097; ;115; ;143; ;134; ;034;

Opal Pikachu13

Well-Known Member
Well my journey on Pokemon Green continues..... recently I have saved the Game Corner from Team Rocket and obtained the Silph Scope, then went back to Pokemon Tower and caught a Haunter and a Gastly. I also saved the Pokemon Tower and rescued the old man who then gave me the Poke Flute. I wanted to go to Fuschia City anyways, I ended up escaping the Snorlax after it knocked out my Pikachu, went down Cycling Road, fought some bikers and used my Meowth most of the battles ( I wanted it to get experience.) Then when I reached Fuschia, a Bird trainer battled me with 2 Spearows and a Fearow, beated all of them, then used Meowth to fight a wild Spearow, then when it reached level 28........ it evolved into a Persian! Then it was off to Safari Zone. I have caught a Venonat, a Rhyhorn, and a Exeggcute there. I really want a Nidorino or a Nidorina, I failed to catch those, they ran. And I was close on catching a Pinsir too. Well, I'm going to keep looking around in there for a while until I catch a Nidorina or a Nidorino. I might swap Ratatta off my team for one of them.

EDIT: Well, I decided to that I wanted some different Pokemon on my team, and a Mew of my own, so I tried the Mew trick, and got myself one, and I used it to find two other Pokemon I didn't expect to find on Green, Arbok and Arcanine! So my team has changed, but Pikachu, Vaporeon, and Persian are still there. I'm training Arcanine now, then I'll train Arbok then I'll be off to save the Silph building from Team Rocket!

Updated team
Pikachu ;025;
Vaporeon ;134;
Persian ;053;
Mew ;151;
Arcanine ;059;
Arbok ;024;
Last edited:
Just beat Erika. The team currently stands at:

(Exeggutor) Haven't caught him yet.

Well, that's them as of now.Unfortunately I left my SP at home and DS won't play older games so I must wait to continue.

Nintendo Master

In Blue, I've started my game over and still undecided on what starter to use. And in Yellow, I've just gotten Mew again.


I'm on Red, and just recently started over again. My team is:

Paras (Cut slave)
Drowzee (Flash slave)

Current just gone into Rock Tunnel (or whatever it is - between Cerulean and Lavender).


In yellow, I'm currently at Fuchsia. I've beaten Koga but have yet to obtain the HM strength...
Team: Jolteon, Pidgeot, Ivysaur, Zapdos, Mew, Pikachu.

Opal Pikachu13

Well-Known Member
Well, I've beaten the Fuchsia Gym, went back to the Safari Zone and finally caught that Nidorina, so I have all three stages of Nidoran Female on my Pokedex. I have found the Surf HM, have yet to get the Strength one, then I've went to the Power Plant and found the Thunder TM for my Pikachu. I've caught a Voltorb, a Magnemite, a Magneton, and a extra Pikachu there. I'll evolve the extra one to Raichu for my Pokedex so I don't have to evolve my best trained one. My Arbok is currently in the Day Care at the moment, as soon as I escape the Power Plant, I'll see how it's doing. Oh yeah, almost forgot, I've went to Cinnabar to revive my Helix Fossil into an Omanyte. I have 5 Gym Badges now.

My team
;024; - currently in Day Care


The one and only.
I just finished Yellow, and captured all the legends, including mew with its glitch.
Now I'm just training all the legends and Pikachu.

The Mighty Wurmple

Well-Known Member
^yay for you.

Started a new game and planned three pokemon.

-Ice Beam

-Body Slam
-Swords Dance
-Razor Leaf

-Rock Slide


Well-Known Member
Staff member
It's been a while since i played...
I restarted yellow a few months ago to get Mew. Now, I've gotten all the badges and have beaten the elite four. So, I'm done the game again.

Opal Pikachu13

Well-Known Member
Well recently on my Green version I have caught Dragonair with the Extended Mew Glitch yesterday night, it will be a while that I can use that glitch on Yellow though, I have to beat the Fushia Gym to use Surf to get to Cinnabar to find Ditto. I am going to have to train my team on Pokemon Yellow to beat that Venomoth Koga has, he keeps making it use Double Team, making it very difficult to attack. But I will have Pidgeot and Venusaur in not that much leveling up to do!

Team on Green Version:
Pikachu, Vaporeon, Mew, Persian, Arcanine, Arbok (May replace with Dragonair)

Team on Yellow Version:
Ivysaur (soon to be Venusaur), Pidgeotto (soon to be Pidgeot), Jolteon, Seadra, last 2 Pokemon for my Yellow team soon to come.......


My precious!
143 in dex :p


lots of luv!
I just restarted my yellow,and I don't have a single badge yet. I'm traning a female Nidoran to beat Brock.


Beginning Trainer
I'm playing red, and I'm like 9 minutes into the game. I'm the town above pallet town so.. yeah.

but, I'm also playing leafgreen. started over this morning, and I'm in pewter town/city.