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If your playing the original games, where are you now?

♥Princess Ketchum♥

#1 Ash Satoshi Lover
i am playing pokemon yellow and i have 3 badges so i am trying to get my 4th badge and my team is my signature

AJ Flibble

Yellow: At the E4, needed to train but eventually restarting to do a scramble challenge *pokes sig* where I'm going to get raped during the course of the game and have a 4X Ice weakness.

Blue: Cinnabar, with my awesome mono-normal team consisting of Raticate, Kangaskhan, Dodrio, Fearow, Persian and Clefable. I shall never underestimate Raticate or Clefable again... they've been invaluable.

Trooper Guy

Lost in history...
Yellow: At Misty's gym.
Blue: I'm actually in Celadon Hotel, walking about. xD
Jap. Green: At Misty's gym.
Red: Inside Victory Road.
Glitch version (spare Blue): God knows, it keeps restarting. XD

I'm just lazy to finish these, but i will, trust me.;078;
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I'm currently taking a small break from my yellow, but since I restarted it I think I'm at the safari zone.


Staff member
Super Mod
I'm at the Elite 4 in Blue.


Staff member
Super Mod
I beat the Elite Four in Blue and went back to get Moltres and I'm battling it right as I speak.. err..type. ^^;


Ghost Type Trainer
Currently playing Red again. Glitch hunting. I have 3 pokemon with me currently:

;097; level 35
;094; level 49
;133; level 20

I'm in Celadon City's Department Store.

Hoshi no Kabii

Well-Known Member
I just found my Red version...again. I restarted. I'm now in Viridian(sp) Forest searching for a Caterpie. Sereously. One hour of searching and I still can't find the little bugger.


Glitch Hunting Freak
I just completed my pokedex with all 151 pokemon in yellow!!!!
I did not use the mew trick on yellow. I just traded a mew from my blue version that had used the mew trick :p , but other than that I got all the others by trading, evolving, and stadium 1.