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If Yu-Gi-Oh (Toei, DM, GX)characters were Pokemon....

Korobooshi Kojiro

Inspired by the one piece Pokemon thread...and I mean characters from any of the series. Of course, realize the Pokemon could be aesethically modified to be more humanoid, so don't shy away from ones like Weezing and Onix.

Yugi Mutou- Riolu, since it looks weak yet courageous.

Pharaoh Atemu- Lucario, but don't look at it as an evolution of Riolu, it would be like the Yugi-Yami change...kind of...

Sugoroku Mutou/ Solomon Mutou- Hayashigame, since it reminds me of an old man for some reason and he owns the "Kame" game shop, Kame being Turtle. And yes, families are not limited by species.

Seto Kaiba- Pottaishi. It's stuck up, rich, and it reminds me of Kaiba with the coat it has.

Mokuba Kaiba- Pochamma, since it is proud like Mokuba but kind of weak.

Katsuya Jounouchi/ Joey Wheeler- Machop, but I can't really say why. It just reminds me of him...(maybe since they shared VA's in the dubs?)

Shizuka Jounouchi/ Serenity Wheeler- Abra, since it's eyes are kind of closed and it looks kind of blind.

Hiroto Honda/ Tristan Taylor- Mankey, since Honda is kind of a fighter. Also, because of a plot point in a later season......

Anzu Mazaki/ Tea Gardner- Kirlia, because it is full of good feelings and looks like a dancer.

Pegasus J. Crawford- Xatu, since it can see into the future. It would be a very bishouned one though...

Saruwatari/ Kemo- Mukkuhawk. It's tough, and it's hair COULD ASSAULT YOU!

Insector Haga/ Weevil Underwood- Venonat, it just...fits.

Dinosaur Ryuuzaki/ Rex Raptor- Zugaidosu, a dinosaur Pokemon with a arrogant looking personality.

Ryou Bakura- Sneasel, I can't really tell why I picked it...

Dark Bakura- Weavile, to compliment Sneasel.

Mai Kujaku- Mililop....cuz.....well, it should be obvious.

Kajiki Ryouta/ Mako Tsunami- Gabite, since it looks like a tough and stubborn Water Pokemon.

Crazy Gay Clown Player Killer- Mr. Mime...cuz he's creepy.

Player Killer of Darkness/ PaniK- Gengar, a dark and intimidating Pokemon.

Bandit Keith Howard- Pidgeot, closes thing to an Eagle, which is the symbol...IN AMERICA!

Ghost Kotsuzuka/ Bonz- Sableye, small, creepy, and ghostly.

MeiKyuu Brothers/ Para and Dox- Plusle and Minun, but EVIL ones!

Shadi- I guess....Celebi, since he kind of travels across time like Shadi "kinda" does, and is a "Guardian".

Rebecca Hopkins- Teddiursa, with a human doll. ^.^

Professor Hopkins- Ursaring.

Otogi Ryuuji/ Duke Devilin- A gamblin' Pokemon, and the first thing that comes to mind is Meowth for some reason.
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i was thinking that Sugoroku as more like an Alakazam. not sure of any other ones.

oh and by the way since your using the good names for everyone, i thought i should just tell you that Hawkins is actualy supposed to be "Hopkins", but thats understandable not to know seeing as their not in the manga
For Esparova, Espeon would be the perfect fit for him.
Since GX is also in this discussion obviously Syrus would get some transportation based Pokemon. Chumly would probably get Hariyama since their both fat. Jaden and Chazz I am not sure about. Banner would get Nyaruma. For some reason I could picture Crowler with a skarmory. There is more characters where that came from folks!

Korobooshi Kojiro

Isis/ Ishizu Ishtar- Someone who possesses psychic powers somewhat, but is graceful....Gardevoir? It seems to fit her.

Johnny Steps- A Dancin Pokemon, and Ludicolo is dah man for that!

Rare Hunter- I just picture him as a thieving Pokemon, so I go with Murkrow since the dex describes it stealing stuff.

Espa Roba- Even know he isn't psychic really, I'll go ahead and make him a cute wittle Medicham. His brothers would be Meditite.

Pandora/ Arkana- The master of magicians deserves to be Alakazam (Fudin).

Strings- A very quiet Manene, lol.

Malik- Hmm....I couldn't decide, so I just chose the desert dwelling Gabite.

Masked Brothers- Solrock and Lunatone, obviously. This was too easy.

Rishid/ Odion- A strong defensive Pokemon, like Graveller.

Noah- Porygon, since he is virtual. I know he was human at once......but still.

Gouzaburo Kaiba- A very tough and fierce rich guy, Empelt!

The Big 5- Kingdra (close to Deep Sea Warrior), Delibird (because of Penguin Fetish), Heracross (he just reminds me of having hammers for some reason, like Judge Man), Jibacoil (a robot), Elekible (electrical beast-thing, kind of like Jinzo...)

Dartz- Manaphy, ftw.

Amelda/Allister- A femme, but strong Pokemon, so I choose a male Clefable

Rafael- Manetric just fits for some reason, maybe the hair?

Valon- Scyther, but he would transform into Scizor with his deck, like how he had a robo-suit in the show.

I don't feel like doing Memory World characters, so my next post will have GX dudes!
For Mana and Mahado, Latias and Latios respectively. As for Judai/Jaden I could picture him as a Pikachu. Cute, Playful but sometimes very annoying!

Hiro xd

Charge at 3! 3!
Yugi Mutou- Evee with a weird haircut. You will see why in Atemu.

Pharaoh Atemu- Umbreon! Yami Evee is Umbreon. Umbreon is brave and powerful like the pharaoh.

Sugoroku Mutou/ Solomon Mutou- Piloswine because Piloswine looks old to me and plus it is in the same breeding group as evee.

Seto Kaiba- Salamence! The powerful dragon with the power of the Blue Eyes.

Mokuba Kaiba- Bagon, still stuborn and can't fly yet.

Katsuya Jounouchi/ Joey Wheeler- Kaburaisu, a dragon that is weeker than the blue eyes and it looks like Joey a bit.

Shizuka Jounouchi/ Serenity Wheeler- Gabaito, jsut becuase it's Joey's little sister and yah I can see her like so.

Hiroto Honda/ Tristan Taylor- Aggron because of it's stubbornest and strenght. Also hair looks like horns.

Anzu Mazaki/ Tea Gardner- Kirlia, because it is full of good feelings and looks like a dancer. (same as Kojiro)

Pegasus J. Crawford- Alakazam is the best of all futur telling and psychic types! Creator Of Duel Monsters.

Saruwatari/ Kemo- Machoke Just becuase Machokes are good bodyguards.

Insector Haga/ Weevil Underwood- Venonat, it just...fits. (same as Kojiro)

Dinosaur Ryuuzaki/ Rex Raptor- Zugaidosu, a dinosaur Pokemon with a arrogant looking personality. (smae as Kojiro)

Ryou Bakura- Cacnea...um yah...

Dark Bakura- Cacturn! The evil Cacnea!

Mai Kujaku- Altaria, most female flying type Ic ould find

Kajiki Ryouta/ Mako Tsunami- Flaotsel, because he reminds me of him

Crazy Gay Clown Player Killer- Mr. Mime...cuz he's creepy. (same as Kojiro)

Player Killer of Darkness/ PaniK- Gengar, a dark and intimidating Pokemon. (same as Kojiro)

Bandit Keith Howard- Pidgeot, closes thing to an Eagle, which is the symbol...IN AMERICA! (same, do you watch prodigy Kojiro?)

Ghost Kotsuzuka/ Bonz- Duskull, smalla nd creepy

MeiKyuu Brothers/ Para and Dox- Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan! Evil ones!

Shadi- I guess....Celebi, since he kind of travels across time like Shadi "kinda" does, and is a "Guardian". (same as Kojiro)

Rebecca Hopkins- Teddiursa, with a human doll. ^.^ (same as Kojiro)

Professor Hopkins- Ursaring. (same as Kojiro)

Otogi Ryuuji/ Duke Devilin- A gamblin' Pokemon, and the first thing that comes to mind is Meowth for some reason. (same as Kojir)
I guess i'l do some of the GX characters.

Judai - Slowbro (Dumb as a post *shot*)

Sho - Nidoran M (Small, Considered weak...but isn't actually weak and owns)

Ryo - Nidoking (Well Ryo is Sho's brother, he's tougher than Sho, stronger, and Nidoking can be violent, hence Hell Kaiser XD)

Fubuki - Mime Jr. (A living clown, and its a babe magnet)

Asuka - Jynx (She's Ice Cold *shot* But it does suit her ice deck from the Manga and her deck she uses in Season 2 later on)

Misawa - Xatu (Smart guy o.o)

Kenzan - Ramuparudo (Need an explanation? D:)

Hayato - Snorlax (XD 'nuff said)

I couldn't think of one for Manjyome. And Rei I dunno to be honest. Anyone else just I forgot about. XD

Erus Black Mage

Well-Known Member
Jaden/Judai - Sceptile (Just fits him)
Syrus/Sho - Dragonite (In Netbattle, Dragonite is often called inferior to Salamence)
Chumley/Hayato - Snorlax
Atticus/Fubuki - Electabuzz (To match Asuka the Jynx)
Alexis/Asuka - Jynx (Watch out for soccer moms!)
Zane/Kaiser - Salamence (In Netbattle, Salamence is often called Superior to Dragonite)
Bastion/Misawa - Alakazam
Hassleberry/Kenzan - Ramuparudo

Seven Shadow Stars:

Nightshroud/Darkness - Electabuzz
Camilla - Gengar
Amazon - Persian
Yellow Scorpion - Glion
Pharoah - Aerodactly
Titan - Murkrow Evo
Banner - Mewtwo (Mewtwo was the closest thing to science I could get)
Kagemaru - Lugia (To match the Legendary Birds)