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if Zatch Bell charactors were pokemon

ok since right now it seems everyone is doing a "what if (insert any anime here) charactors were pokemon" thing, i figured i should get to it before someone else beats me to it. anyway Zatch Bell Charactors that are like a pokemon, and here since both shows involve humans that use creaturse to do all the fighting, i figured we should have it be were the mamodo charactors be comparred to the pokemon, and the human charactors to the pokemon trainers. ok lets start...

Zatch - Pikachu (do i even need to explain?)
Konchome - Ditto (both use tricks to alter their form)
Ponygon - either Ponyta or Rapidash
Tia - Gardevor?

for the human charactors...

Kio - Ash
Folgore - Brock
Megomi - Misty

i'll come up with more later

Korobooshi Kojiro

Well, we already know Denji would be Apollo.........

Kiyo would be probably an older Max.
Folgore would be most likely Harley, but a more masculine one.
Megumi would be Vivian.