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ignored pokemon


I Crush Everything
Pokemon live in pokeballs. Which means that they are not subject to constant screentime. So it's inevitable that some pokemon will be forgotten at some point (lucky pikachu). Here is a thread to discuss which pokemon weren't seen that much.

One that comes to mind is geodude. Brock had him for quite a while, but he didn't show up for a really long time. I know Brock doesn't battle so much, so you wouldn't really see his pokemon much, but he uses onix more. What pokemon do you wish had more screentime?

Now this thread talks about individual pokemon, not species, so if someone says that someone's eevee was ignored, you can't counter by saying someone else uses their eevee a lot.


Beginning Trainer
Well, I do hate the fact that Ash's pokemon only make a few small appearances after being left with prof. oak. Pokemon in his team to pretty much disappear included totodile, bayleef and cyndaquil, along with the rest of his Johto pokemon.

Misty's Goldeen was a rare sight to behold, and horsea was hardly seen.

Brock's pokemon made the least amount of appearances, I'm surprised they are so strong, he never uses them.


I Crush Everything
Well, I do hate the fact that Ash's pokemon only make a few small appearances after being left with prof. oak. Pokemon in his team to pretty much disappear included totodile, bayleef and cyndaquil, along with the rest of his Johto pokemon.

Misty's Goldeen was a rare sight to behold, and horsea was hardly seen.

Well, obviously, people's old pokemon won't be around much, as they were foregone. As for Misty's goldeen, you're right. The poor thing was overshadowed by staryu (Misty's original Red/Blue team), psyduck (comic relief and craver of attention), togepi (no ball to hide in), corsola (G/S pokemon), and politoed (also a G/S pokemon. It was pretty overshadowed too until it evolved and became a cool new thing). Horsea dissapeared after Misty got the "baby" theme (toki and rilly), as that was the little dragon's job before they showed up.

You know who was ignored? Max's pokemon. They're ignored so much, they don't even exist.
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well he has to change pokemon or with his old ones he'll win ever badge way to easy!


Yeah, ok!
All of Brock's Pokemon rot in their balls each region.

Aside from a certain new D/P Poke he caught recently, but he's only been in 2 episodes so far so we can't tell its fate.


I Crush Everything
One word.


Yeah, forretress was kind of forgotten once Brock's water pokemon showed up. I guess he was more of a Johto thing.


Well-Known Member
I have yet to see Barboach appear in the series...

Yeah I know that's not what this thread is about, but I just thought I'd throw it out there.


I Crush Everything
^ that is what I'd call an offtopic post. A deliberate one at that. Not good.

Everyone is always hating togepi, for "sucking out Misty's soul", but I actually liked it, for being like the only pokemon besides pika' to not get stuffed in a monster ball for the majority of the episode. I really hate how pikachu gets himself love by not getting into its monster ball, and giving himself so much more love than the other pokemon. Poor bayleef...
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Turnabout Pokemon
Obviously Brock's Pokemon are seldom seen, especially when he enters a new region.

The same goes for Ash's Pokemon, though some make random appearances...the exception being his Johto starters. Those poor, poor Pokemon. I actually feel sorry for them, Bayleef particularly.
are we talking about pokemon ownd by trainers or pokemon in general? caus eone pokemon that hardly ever get apperences anymore is a Kangeskhan. I miss that thing....

De HotShot Mon

Smack Down time
We're talking about pokemon owned by trainers.

Any way, at the moment it seems to me that Mukkuru has already been 'forgotten'. I mean the last time I remember it doing anything important is popping Team Rocket's balloon in DP005 (Naetle's capture episode).


Contaminated KFC
Tracey's Venonat got the worst of any other pokémon on the cast. You people seem to be doing a pretty good job of ignoring the wannabe Butterfree, ne? For starters, lets just take a quick look at it.
Yep, it's a Venonat.
A freaking Venonat.
Who can honestly say they give a damn about this pokémon, let alone a second thought? Yeah, that's right...the lone crackpot Venonat fanboy/girl reading this post.
It also had to compete against an obese blue mouse used solely to shoehorn some good ol' future game advertising into the show, as well as an elderly Scyther that pretty much everyone and their grandma thought was cool...Though I'm sure the latter 'grandma' portion of that following was significantly larger than the former. But that's not the point. The point is, Venonat had no freaking chance in hell, and it was all down to the fact that he was just trying to be himself.

So the moral of the story is; Unless you're a really cool old dude with scythes, or fat to the point where you can barely breathe and are constantly blue in the face, it doesn't pay to be yourself.

Korobooshi Kojiro

Tracey's Venonat got the worst of any other pokémon on the cast. You people seem to be doing a pretty good job of ignoring the wannabe Butterfree, ne? For starters, lets just take a quick look at it.
Yep, it's a Venonat.
A freaking Venonat.
Who can honestly say they give a damn about this pokémon, let alone a second thought? Yeah, that's right...the lone crackpot Venonat fanboy/girl reading this post.
It also had to compete against an obese blue mouse used solely to shoehorn some good ol' future game advertising into the show, as well as an elderly Scyther that pretty much everyone and their grandma thought was cool...Though I'm sure the latter 'grandma' portion of that following was significantly larger than the former. But that's not the point. The point is, Venonat had no freaking chance in hell, and it was all down to the fact that he was just trying to be himself.

So the moral of the story is; Unless you're a really cool old dude with scythes, or fat to the point where you can barely breathe and are constantly blue in the face, it doesn't pay to be yourself.

I like Venonat!