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IGPX #6 Cat vs. Dog

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Episode 6: Cat vs. Dog

Why do I persist in creating Toonami review threads on Serebii for shows that have usually not even had review threads? Also, why am I doing it when Dogasu does this usually? Maybe I'm giving him less work so he can keep doing Pokemon comarisons. Let's just get on with the show already!

Okay, I haven't seen this, but I bet it's a cross between Accleracers and Gundam right? Well, what I could make out is that these Team Satomi guys has a new mechanic and they have made changes, that they are trying to get used to. Also, they are battling over some animal kingdom? What kinda show is this?


Mysteria Pearl

Queen of Mushy-ness!
you can go to the official IGPX thread to find out about it. :D It has a bit of romance and alot of fighting in robots... it sounds very boring the way I describe it but it is far from it. The "Cat VS. Dog" is because the masscot of team Satomi, Luca is a cat, has it's own cat food company and is owned by midfielder Amy Stapleton.

The Dog is for the opposing tem which I have not read much about but I believe is from Switzerland. You can PM me if you have any questions

~Mysteria Pearl~
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