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Illusion Confusion! (123)


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
Illusion Confusion!

Heading into a Forest which is inhabited by Ghosts, Ash & Co. get tricked by Illusions, but Gary tells them to see through them by getting a Hoothoot. Ash goes to get one and when he finds the rental place, he discovers the Hoothoot he can get is a rowdy one. Can Ash & Co. get through the forest?

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Team Awesome
This was a very funny episode. I liked all the illusions that the gengars and haunters played on the gang, even though the Misty one was a bit frightening. I liked the multiple Ash's (it's the army of darkness! LOL), Team Rocket thinking they're seeing a dragonite, and Ash and Brock mistaking Hagatha for an illusion. It was also hilarious when Ash said there weren't any pretty girls here, and Hagatha and Misty's eyes glow in anger. LOL :D It was funny when the hoothoot kept pecking Ash on the head too.


Well-Known Member
It was a cool episode although i forgot what happened in half of it. It was nice to see gary again, and the Hoothoot seemed really cool ^.^


I enjoyed this episode a lot, and I really like the part where the illusions appeared, the multiple Ash and also the part when Ash said there weren't any pretty girls around then Agatha and Misty became angry.


Ash fan girl! Cute!
HA This episode is alright. Another favorite episode of mine, I laughed so much. I liked when Team Rocket first appeared and Ash held onto the rope when they were stealing his Pokemon, and Ash fell into the paper and said "Oh, guess who" Some thing like that LOL. I just watched the episode today on my DVD. This episode is one of the funnier one's. I give it a 10/10.


Well-Known Member
A very nice and hilarious episode. I like the notion of needing a Hoothoot to navigate through the forest cause of some trouble making Ghost Pokemon, it's interesting to see Hoothoot use Foresight and none of the characters even mention what attack it's using. It was funny seeing all those ash illusions and Pikachu getting overwhelmed and shocking them all then Misty getting menaced by Bug Pokemon. Also Ash's reaction to when when TR appeared was priceless.
Another fav. Ash saying there are no pretty girls here and Misty and that one old lady getting angry at that was funny as heck. Also yah the Ash clones muhaha. I need to watch this episode agian in fact.


kiss my greens
Yes~ an episode with Gary in it 83

Ash kept attacked by Hoohoot... hehehe. And the Ash clones, those were funny. I loved all the illusions! I wish it was like that in the games D:

Blue Snover

Cold as ice
I liked this, the Hoothoot was quite funny especially when it wouldn't listen to Ash.

The old women were a little creepy though.
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Well-Known Member
Of course Ash and Co. don't get a Hoot-Hoot that listens, but Gary does.

Blue Snover

Cold as ice
I loved this one. It was quite enjoyable. Watching everyone get paranoid over nothing was funny. Hoothoot is awesome.

I prefer Noctowl, but at least it helped them to get through, even if it did constantly peck Ash.


Grass Pokemon Expert
I thought they old women in this episode were a little creepy. It is also ironic how Gary apparently got the last good Hoothoot leaving Ash, Misty, and Brock with an unreliable one. I also thought it was funny how Ash couldn't handle the fact that Hoothoot liked Misty and not him.


Well-Known Member
I remember this episode. One thing, I thought the faces on the trees were really eerie. I still remember them. It was also weird to see one of their mouths move in a commercial I saw.
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