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I'm a training god!!!!

Birch told me to evolve my POkemon, so I took some wee ones to Sky Pillar! I am traing Poochyama now. If I see a POkemon with pursuit, I use Poochyama's Run Away ability. If it doesn't, I call back my Pokemon, and KO the opponent with a Dragon Claw from my Flygon.

Hehe...5 LV ups in one fight!!!

Shiny Crobat

Well-Known Member
Or hust go make a memento base


echospace obsessive
Birch told me to evolve my POkemon, so I took some wee ones to Sky Pillar! I am traing Poochyama now. If I see a POkemon with pursuit, I use Poochyama's Run Away ability. If it doesn't, I call back my Pokemon, and KO the opponent with a Dragon Claw from my Flygon.

Hehe...5 LV ups in one fight!!!

I honestly doubt anyone cares.

Memento base > 5 hours of wasted EV traing.


echospace obsessive
A Secret base filled with level 100 pokemon that know the move memento.As memntos there only move and it dosnt cause any direct damge,you beat and rake up 1000`s of EXP.Memento bases arre usally filled with Gardevoirs or Latias.

Shiny Crobat

Well-Known Member
You have a friend;
let him clone six latios/gardavior lv 100 only memento;
mix records when he has all of them in his team;
his base will be in your game with a trainer with his pkmn.
Well that certainly doesn't help, since I can't even clone!!! And if I could link up, how could my friend have a LV 100 Gardevoir and Latios!!!???


I said, Bring It ON!
Well that certainly doesn't help, since I can't even clone!!! And if I could link up, how could my friend have a LV 100 Gardevoir and Latios!!!???

not much of a training god if you dont know how to mke a memento base. if you make a memento gardevoir base, make sure you are going for sp. atk. and about our awesome way of training poochyena, what if he evolves? and why no just give him an exp share and go through the e4?


Well-Known Member
o_O thats a LOT of experiance points!But mememnto bases might not help much if your ev training your poochyena