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Im back with new sprites



i havent made any sprites, or even posted here, in a long while. Most of you may not remember me anyway, i wasnt a very active poster. well, heres a couple mix/custom sprites i did yesterday:

New Scizor Forms:

Deffence Mode:

Attack Mode:

The first gunner type pokemon ive seen made. His name is Magnum:


One thing I don't enjoy about them would be the actual sprites combined to scratch parts. Like the heads, they stand out way tooooooo much. Shading is off in many areas. Example being second sprite, both upper wings. Some areas are to flat/square, need to add/remove a pixel(s). Truthfuly, there's not that bad, in fact, they're actually kind of good, but they just need a little bit of work. ^^


thanx for the advice everyone. yeah, the wings are pretty plain. im about to fix that up right now. any ideas to improve the first two? im a fan of scizor and i like making sprites with him. :p


nope guns arent shaded. well heres the newer shaded attack mode:


upsy-daisy_v.0 said:
don't use so much of uhh .. black outline
I meant to say that in my first post, but it's been pointed out now. Yeah, the black outline does not work well. You need to use shades lighter than black. Another thing, are you just making an exact copy of both wings? *looks closer* Ok, well, you're not but the reason I say that is because the shading/highlights look almost the same. Also, the highlights/shades, as far as I know, wouldn't extend from a single point. You have a (rough) bullseye effect going on there. And on top of the wings, it seems to be one solid color. I can't make out any highlights or anything. You need some expert opinions on highlights/shading because I don't do scratch sprites so I can't really say how they should really be done, but I can at least point you in the right direction.


i see what your saying. i used to only do fusions so i never really needed to do all that extra shading stuff. i recently started making customs, with some real pokemon psrite parts here and there. heres something i did today, and i didnt use back outlining for most the lines :p