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I'm getting a 360 today

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um, and stuff
Just to check Microsoft has fixed them correct and what games should I get and I'm getting the Holiday Bundle with G.R.A.W and Arcade unplugged


I wouldn't even get a 360 :\ IMO
Woah, woah, WOAH! Dude, nobody will be be able to read your post looking like that. I'd be glad to help, if you would type it out correctly.


Well-Known Member
I think Oblivion is one of the best 360 games. And dead rising. But you might not be able to get it if you're too young.

zonic the hedgehog

I suggest getting Sonic the Hedgehog when that comes out since it's looking decent.

However, I'd wait a little until reviews are published just so you can get an idea of how good the game might be to others (however, this does not necessarily mean YOU may feel the same).



um, and stuff
I suggest getting Sonic the Hedgehog when that comes out since it's looking decent.

However, I'd wait a little until reviews are published just so you can get an idea of how good the game might be to others (however, this does not necessarily mean YOU may feel the same).

Planing on getting that anyway
but thanks


Iblis Wings
Lost Planet.

Very interesting and entertaining from the looks of it. Could be Capcom's next big thing after Dead Rising for the 360.


um, and stuff
Not out yet I will get that but I'm asking about games coming out this month or already released


Iblis Wings
Oh my bad then. I say the 360 version of Phantasy Star Universe then.
There's also

Marvel: Ultimate Alliance
FEAR if you don't have a great computer
Saints Row
Amped 3

And don't forget to buy Geometry Wars in the marketplace.


um, and stuff
There's also

Marvel: Ultimate Alliance
FEAR if you don't have a great computer
Saints Row
Amped 3

And don't forget to buy Geometry Wars in the marketplace.

All great games okay big list I think that's good for now thanks everybody


Old Coot
Oh my bad then. I say the 360 version of Phantasy Star Universe then.
Close but no cigar. The 360 version's only perks are the better graphics and voice chat, compared to the PS2 version (and PC, which does not have voice chat but can be easily fixed with a chat program). Xbox 360's limited to its own server and those playing that version can play with the Japanese. :s

Meanwhile, the PC and PS2 versions are linked together and can play with US and European players (once the European version is out).
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