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im looking for a ditto.


Always Sleepy
so, i basically really just want a ditto. but i also want a couple more pokemon other than that. below is the list of what i wish to find and trade for. i have a few good pokemon to trade and i will gladly give you anything that i have in exchange. ask for what you want and i may have it, or be able to get it. also, ask for a list of the pokemon i have. i will not post it right now because i need to make a list.

im looking for:


-zangoose female of any level

-and a shuckle female of any level

Blue Gengar

Gengar for presidant
I'll trade a Ditto for a dratini


Always Sleepy
sadly, i do not have it. perhaps there is something else you need?


Always Sleepy
i mean i do not have a dratini nor the TM. i have neither.

Blue Gengar

Gengar for presidant
Larvitar...or a Pidgey with the TM Earthquake


Always Sleepy
i did have a pupitar, but i traded that recently. out of luck on that one.

as for the pidgy, i do not have one, and dont beleive i can come across one. and i used my only earthquake TM.

Blue Gengar

Gengar for presidant
What pokemon you got? I would prefer non sinnoh


Always Sleepy
i dont have much, but i have a few.
the non sinnoh ones are as follows:
registeel, regice, regirock
groudon, rayquaza

most of them have nicknames, if you dont mind those.

Blue Gengar

Gengar for presidant
I'll do it for the Groudon and later on Zangoose for the Cyndaquil


Always Sleepy
awesome. my code is 1574 1729 3052 and my name's NOX.

Blue Gengar

Gengar for presidant
kk. my Code and name are in sig


Always Sleepy
i got it. im waiting.

Blue Gengar

Gengar for presidant
Your codes wrong


Always Sleepy


Always Sleepy
1547 1729 3052. my bad.

Blue Gengar

Gengar for presidant
Done. coming now

I do Zangoose in about Ten mins. gotta be female?
Last edited:


Always Sleepy
yep. has to be.

Blue Gengar

Gengar for presidant
I'm catching now. Also what was that loud crashing like sound? it sounded funny =P


Always Sleepy
twas me clearing my throat, i believe...