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just post your uncommon shiny and i will offer. plz tell me if you accept or deny. what i mean by ODD SHINY is something you dont see very often on the boards like shiny slowking.
hans4 i will trade one of the following shinies for it:
nidoqueen (ev trained)
gastrodon (east)
walrein (ev trained)
dodrio (ev trained)
golem (jolly nature)
raticate (untouched)
iceanddark deal with chansey for rayquaza
ok people im sorry but i just tested wifi out and it isnt working right now so plz each of you send me a pm saying what you are offering and what you want if i accepted your deal. i will get to you asap
venom z my wifi isnt working right now sorry plz read my other post. i would like your shiny miltank and mothim i will give shiny deoxys for both pm me if you accept. this thread can end now no one else post
venom z my wifi isnt working right now sorry plz read my other post. i would like your shiny miltank and mothim i will give shiny deoxys for both pm me if you accept. this thread can end now no one else post