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I'm "New" here.


I'm Perap. (I want to change my username, how?)
I registered a long time ago, and that is the time to use this user, no?
I have Pokemon Pearl, and I'm a fan of pokemon a lot of time...
For the one who wants my MSN, can PM me... I not that good spriter, but I can improve... :) Hope to have FUN. :) :p
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true love
Welcome to SPPf and remember to read the rules and follow them, as well as the signature rules which many break them all too often. To change your username, the thread is stickied in this very section but you will have to wait until the administrators are free to finish the current batch and reopen the thread for you. So for now, you gotta wait and stick with that account name WITHOUT making a new account just because of your username.

Anyway, have fun, don't spam or break the rules and yeah.


About the rulse, I read them, and I had a forum and I know how to deal with Problems like Duble Post or Spam... (The forum got closed... :()
Thank you.
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Willow's Tara

The Bewitched
Hey! Welcome to the forums and I hope you enjoy it here, Have a great time;)


-swampert used gasp!
Thank you. How do I open a Club?

go to the club section,then,as long as you read the rules for making clubs,and make sure there is not already a club like the one you want to make,then you can submit a club,it may take a few days to be approved,if it isn't there may already be a club like it,(there also is a club help section )
btw,i have my own ledgendary pokemon club,its in my sig :)