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I'm new!

Master Slowking

A new leader is here
I want to make a RIVAL! not a friend! Some one who I'll battle and try to beat when D/P comes out.. It may sound stupid but I want to ;470; ;470;

also in sig.'s do guys make your own Trainer cards or is their a thread?;199;

ΩOmega WeavileΩ

Skinning every bears
id be glad to have a rival when DP comes out. Don't worry, it doesent sound stupid. Edit: I dont have Wifi yet, but im saving up for it.

Their is a trainer card thread (several of them) and their all in the fan art request thread. Psot in a shop according to their format and your fine. I make my own though, even though I don't have one in my siggy. You can PM me if you want one, but im out of practice.

*turns on broken record* Read the rules, yatta yatta, and have fun! *turns off broken record*
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Well-Known Member
Same here I will beat you in D/P any day!! ^_^
j/k I hoping for a good battle one where I have to be forced to use strategy!


Queen of Charizards!
HI, sorry I cant' be your rival tight now because i can't understand Japanese and I'm waiting for the US release. But hewy i will be yours when that times comes. But BEware, All the transferred Pokemon I will have will ALL have Metronome. And no its not Mew or any of those Pokemon who learn it


Queen of Charizards!
Well if you want to haev friends, PM me. I'm happy to be your friend

Lord Umbreon

The Dark Leader
hi slowking ill be your friend