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i'm new


Main screen turn on!
Hello. Welcome to the forums!


Knight of Oblivion
hello [insert standard greeting here] ex:
Pokepal said:
Welcome, read the rules, don't SPAM, and make friends!

hope you have a good time....and have funn with the PM's which Heaven Games doesn't have :)


I don't know........
Welcome. Hope you have lots of fun here!


Well-Known Member
Thanks, I actually came to the site every day, because I cpuldn't find a better place to get Pokemon news, then one day I'm decided to join the forums.

I'm normally don't have bad grammar
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The Anticool
What's up? I'm Nick, and if you want to be buddyies, PM me! Have fun!

Inferno Master

Mangekyo Slayer

I'm new and I just wanted to thank wolfy for elling me about how to join the forums. Like wolfy, I love this website, visit it everyday, and Charizard is number 1 fav.
Charizard Rocks!