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I'm new

absol 777

hy i'm new and i want to met people on here. i like dark, water, and all cool looking pokemon. any one want to say hy.


I don't know........
Hello! Welcome! I'm greta_lover. I hope you would have fun here!


Hope you have fun here. Follow the rules and make friends. pm me to be friends.


Main screen turn on!
Hello, nice to meet you.


Knight of Oblivion
hi, hope you have fun. [standard greeting] follow/read the rules. don't spam. blah, blah, blah. ect, ect.[/standard greeting]

yeah... PM me if you want to be friends, or just post below if you want

absol 777

hy i like to met you all except pikawho. whats with that sig and does anyone like my banner and card
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Neo Mario

How'd these get here
visit the club section if your ever bored

absol 777

I am trying to make a club and do you like my signature