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I'm new!


New Member
My friend recommended this site to me a long time ago.Now,I have decided to join,and I am hoping to have friends here too.=)I can give anyone my wifi code.


<- sensual
Hello! Read the rules, have fun, and PM me if you want to be freinds

Rioichi Xesta

New Member
uhhh I dont know how i did this but i can finally write normal so im gonna ask my question now: am i ok? do i have anything wrong or anything i need to fix or change or can i go ahead and ask where i should ask EV questions at? and did i ask at the right place......oh and what's a pm?
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Mamoswine Power

Well-Known Member
Hi, Welcome to the forums, Have fun. To Pm a person you just have to click on their name and a few options will come up just pick 'send a private message...' Hope i helped and Pm me if you need any help. Rioichi xesta A pm is a private message that you seed to a person that one else can see. To ask about Evs you need to star a new thread. PM me if u need any help