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I'm New



Hello, I'm new to this forum, I am also at Pdream forum, and my own forum (in sig)

Hyper Chibi Absol

The Dark Goddess
Hi. I'm HCA! ^^ PM me if you need any help!


Welcome, prove yourself in the forums if you want to be my 'buddy'.


flower in the sand
myuusmeow said:
Thanks (that was fast). Also, my forum needs members so please click it.
Ok, don't do that. It's against the rules.


~Blighted Demon~
OK hi plz PLZ read the rules PLEASE. welcome to the place and dont spam ok (look at the misc. disscusion so many closed threads its ****ing crazy) so im really, really not trying to be mean or anything like that i just really want more ppl to follow the rules ok. have a good time and if u need anything pm me ok thank u


Veteran Trainer
Welcome!Iam new too and u can PM me if u need help!


pokemon/mew master
hellow and welcom have fun make sher you read the rules.


perpetually tired
Hola. Enjoy it her. Also, this isn't in the rules, but to make sure you don't get humilated, make sure you go to RMT ingame before you go to CRMT. Well, enjoy.