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Im new...



Hi my names akua aka patey im 15 male you may have seen some of my posts around the forum if you havent well you will eventually my fave pokemon are scyther mewtwo and kabutops (dragons i luv them 2!) i am eventually gonna set up my own t-card and sprite request shop but until then see you around!


Think Different
Don't use chat speak!



Welcome to SPPF. Feel free to read request and do what you want. Hope to see you again somewhere!!!

P.S you can request at my shop if you want.


Generic Human #8192
hey, welcome to SPPf! hope you like it here!

and what is chat speak...?


Welcome, enjoy your stay here. ;)

I think chat-speak is like text-speak such as when people use numbers as words or when they shorten words such as 'when' = 'wen'

Magma Instinct

Welcome to this forum, I hope you enjoy your time here

Lord wackruntlje

Speed up, n00b!
Welcome akua. Be sure to read the rules, they are important here.


welcome, bienvenue, nnor, bienvenidos, wilkomen.
hope you enjoy it here, pm me if u ever need a buddy.


Thanks for the warm welcome yeah i'll abide by the rules gotta set an example for my forum don't i? yes thats rite i have my own forum pm if you want details etc anyway thanks again and hopefully i'll be posting here quite often cya around!


I love Dara <3
hiya ^_^ welcome to the forums! read the rules and you be fine. pm me if you need help or wanna say hi ^^

Tropical Spirit

YAY! Original>You =3
Hi. D: Have fun around here. Just don't be close-minded or you'll be eaten alive. :<

Final Flash

I've still got it.
Hello newbie.

*Shakes hand*

Pm me if you want to be friends.