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im postotive that the 3rd..


d/p will be based on ;487;

on the front page were the battle frontier he is one of the unusable pokemon, they always ban the main pokemon, so it seems like its him.
hes also dragon like the other 2!

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
I belive it's already been said that the 3rd game pokémon will be Giratina.


but there is also a slim chance of it being, emmurito, he is unique in the game and runs away unlike the other 2. like they made suicune the main for crystal.

but i still thinkmy 1st prediction is more likely.

Night Avenger

Rust In Peace
Yeah, Giradina for Onyx version...


Prepare Yourself
Yeah, Giradina for Onyx version...

or maybe even Opal or Topaz for that matter, but I think its kinda obvious that its gunna be Giradina for the third version


formerly R. New
To quote Coronis:
Off topic a little while, stumbled across an interesting stone name in a book today called Girasol, which is also called the Fire Opal. See, many have been debating on what gem will grace the title of a possible D/P third game followup, and most believe it will center around the ghost dragon Giratina.

Seems quite possible that Giratina is named after Girasol, like how Dialga and Palkia are named after Diamond and Pearl. Since Girasol is also an Opal, chances are the 3rd game will be called Opal, unless Gamefreak decided to teach the hard vocab Girasol to kids. Just a thought though, NOT official.

Blaze Dragon

T3h Blazing Ranger!
Can you explain me what a "postotive" thing is? Or you wanted to say "positive"?
Also, it is pretty obvious that the third D/P Game will be based on Giratina, as it is the third of the Shinou Legend Dragons (With Diaruga and Parukia, that are the main Pokemon of the other 2 games), and that it´s name is based on a stone (Girasol).


Salingerian Phony
Hmm, looks like I'll have to tweak some of my nicknames, in that case.

4Kids isn't afraid to use the word "Girasol," so there's no doubt Game Freak will be okay with it too. It was used in One Piece; it was their interpretation for the name of...
[spoil]Sir Crocodile's attack where he creates a sand pit.[/spoil]
He called it the "Desert Girasol."