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im trading


Palka for Deoxys?

As I've never used the Friend Code to trade, just a few quick questions:

- does the pokemon you're trading need to be in your party or can you pull from your box, like with the GTS?

- do both parties have to have friend codes entered in order to trade or battle?

Thanks in advance ^.^

Kuro Kaoru

Fun Festival
Shiny Groudon for your Shiny Ho oh?


Well-Known Member
i will trade shiny diglet holding a master ball for mightyena.

PS. WHat level is Mightyena?


Well-Known Member
shaybee umm yes u do need to add each others fcs and u have to have the pokemon in ur team


Heroes Clan Leader
i posted this in your other thread since you posted this twice but ill go again

any of mewtwo mew groudon uxie latios regirock regice rhyperior lucario


Heroes Clan Leader
also i was wanting shiny hooh and shiny crobat can also offer shiny gengar


Well-Known Member
Diglet is legit. I'm on wifi now, just let me add you.


Well-Known Member
Wait, what is your FC?

Mine is:

Name: Chris
FC: 4338 9298 6596


I do have a shiny meditite, but he's fresh caught, untouched/untrained and under 20. I have all the pkmns you listed except for deoxys and not really interested in the whole shiny factor ...

Is that workable for you?