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Imitation Confrontation! (176)


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
Imitation Confrontation!

When at the Pokémon Center, Ash & Co. meet up with their old friend Duplica who has a brand new Ditto...this one makes tiny forms of the Pokémon. However Team Rocket want this Ditto and steal it. Can they get it back?

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Team Awesome
I know my favorite part out of this episode had to be Jessie and James getting a little revenge on the twerps and Duplica from "Ditto's Mysterious Mansion" by dressing as Ash and Duplica to do the motto. :D Now *that* was genius. I also enjoyed the final fight, with Duplica teaching Team Rocket about Wobbuffet's attacks. Plus, mini-Wobbuffet was so cute!!! :D


aww mini-dit was so cute when it transformed into big pokemon and turned out small,that was so cute.


Too much cute in this episode, what with Duplica, Dit and mini-dit, the latter transforming into mini-wobbuffet, and Togepi playing with them.


Even after this episode, Wobbuffet still used counter most of the time when it was supposed to use Mirror Coat. I liked this episode especially when TR was trying to sell a mini Arbok.


Duplica actually looked cuter than she did before. Maybe it's because like Ash, she's maturing a bit more.


christian 4ever
ash must have been pretty ashame when duplia tp;d him about his tootodile moves seen duplica make me happy i thought we will never see her again

101/10 indeed
I love the Mini-Ditto ^_^, it's so tiny and the way it transforms


Well-Known Member
One of my favorite Johto episodes, I loved seeing Duplica again se was always one of my favorite characters from the first season. Mini Dit transforming into smaller versions of big Pokemon was very cute and to top it having Duplica and her Mini Dit school TR was hilarious. To bad the epsiode ended with Ash and Duplica just about to finish their fight I wanted to see how it would end.


Well-Known Member
Mini-Dit was great, I loved the big dramatic transformation into an onix only to see it in Misty's arms.

And Jessie and James as Duplica and Ash is one of their most ingenious entrances ever.

And ya know, that's almost a good scheme, it could have worked.

The only thin they could have done which would have made the episode better would have been some huge counter tennis battle between the wobuffets, I would have loved it. But still, good episode for a pretty useless filler.


I have returned.....
Sure, Duplica is very good knowing some of Wobbuffet's attacks like Counter, Mirror Coat, etc. Plus, Duplica slapped her name on because some of her Pokemon, especially her Ditto named "Mini Ditt" could transform yet duplicate! TR goaled to steal her "Mini Ditt" and her other Ditto to transform into a mini-sized version of Jesse's Arbok. I love that part when Duplica is disguised as Nurse Joy and her "Mini Ditt" as Chansey! This episode is a good one out there.


Well-Known Member
This was one of the episodes I still remebered through all the years, seeing it again brought back some even more good memories. -.-


kiss my greens
Oh, I remember this one! Mini-Dit! ^__^ When it transformed into that tiny little Onix? I almost died laughing!

Duplica herself is awesome. We need to see her again! Who knows, maybe she'll have a third Ditto with another transformation issue! :3