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Well-Known Member
I know in the anime they die, but in the RPG's they seem to be immortal, unlike monster rancher/digimon, discuss

Another Fan

Nothing Special
So, they don't bother to make it a simulator. No big deal.


Well-Known Member
One word: Marowak.
In R/G/B/Y/Fr/Lg Team Rocket killed a Marowak and you had to fight his ghost.
Also in the lowest floor in the Pokemon Tower, trainers were there to pay their respect to their died pokemon.

In R/S/E, it is mentioned that the pokemon who died first go to Mount Pyre as a ghost and later to the Cave of Origin to be reincarnated.

Ps: The picture in your signature is way to big.


one love
Yes, as far as the storyline goes, Pokemon die in both realms, however I'm taking your word for the anime since I don't actually watch it. Whence the inclusion of two memorials for the dead Pokemon, and the emergence of undead Pokemon such as Gastly, Shedinja, and Shuppet. However, your Pokemon never die since obviously it would be infuriating beyond belief to have your level 100, EP trained Pokemon simply be vanquished from the memory of the cartridge.


Well-Known Member
but your trained ones should die too, since its fairly obvious, PKMN is a monster rancher(farm) copy


That would be cruel and rather stupid. Next you'd have to feed your pokemon and take care of them when they get sick, etc.


Nothing to be done
UberSorcerer said:
but your trained ones should die too, since its fairly obvious, PKMN is a monster rancher(farm) copy
Hey, you're right except for the fact that the two series play nothing like each other.

Also, it's a game. A game for fun. It's not a life simulator. If you put hard work into raising a Pokemon, and then, poof, it suddenly died, no one would want to play the game.

Horn Drill

Seriosuly guys, it's a game. =/ It would spoil all the lighthearted fun if you're favorite Poke-pals kicked the bucket. :(

This thread brings me to the obvious question of "How do Ghost type Pokemon have babies?" o_O


Ski > You
Well... We should first realise that Pokemon progenerate in no way like anything we are used to. I have in fact, come to the conclusion that the guy in day care is in fact a member of Team -Insert here- cloning your stupidly powerful Pokemon for their sick and wicked desires.

Pokemon are immortal because they are. All Pokemon have to be SLAIN. They do not age and die. At least, that is how I interpret it.


Fact. Pokémon die. But in battles they're merely knocked out.

Old age? You're kidding, right? A model and simulation that accurate would have pretty much every gamer throwing his or her game and/or console out the window or wherever. Aside from that, don't forget Pokemon is marketed to a wide age group. You don't want 5-year-olds screaming "Mummy! My Pikachu was run over by a Donphan! Waah!", now, do you?


Ski > You
Oh, and if they DO die of old age however, unlike Monster Rancher, they share lifaspans similar to human beings.
And Pokemon plays in real time. Therefore, unless you wish to be holding on to that catridge for a hundred years...
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