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In dire need of help


Real-life Gothorita
frankly i'm sucking at emerald.
I've just got to the elite four and my team is

Swellow lvl49
Kadabra lvl46
Azumarill lvl46
Donphan lvl38
Raichu lvl37
Shellgon lvl35

obviously i don't want to spend years training but i think i need quite an overhaul, i can't get past the first leader! Any suggestions?


Team Magma Captain
You cant get past the first elite 4 member, Well i would say train them to a higher level.

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
Which starter did you pick? If you pick Torchic you can use Blaziken to pwn Sidney's Dark types.


Natsu no Maboroshi
Take out Raichu and put a Blaziken.


The new tuxedo look!
Train them all to lv.60 with pokemon found in the depths of the meteor falls, some of them can reach lv.37!

BTW, get rid of donphan for blaziken, train raichu and get an ice type, otherwise fear the wrath of drake's dragons.


I'd replace Shellgon with Blaziken and switch Donphan for a ice type. Then train them all to around lv.55.

My original team for Emerald (or Ruby for that matter) was:
Glalie, Manectric, Aggron, Salamence, Flygon and Gardevoir all at about lv.57. Which provided a well rounded team and that's all you really need. As long as you have a pokemon to counter each of the Elite Fours types and a strong pokemon in reserve you'll do fine.


vicious opportunist
You know, I'd say drop the Kadabra and Azumarill for Blaziken and Starmie. Starmie learns Surf, Psychic, Ice Beam and Thunderbolt. It'd be a huge help getting you through the Elite 4.

Then (I know you don't want to hear this) train your Shelgon a little more until it evolves, Salamence is a force to be reckoned with.

i!Mr Poo-Poo Head!i

Well-Known Member
I think you mainly need to train more, i mean it would be great to switch around and i think you mainly just need to train abit mroe to level 60 like davidone10 said, just walk around victory road, maybe you'll find a shiny aswell;):p


If you decide to train I recomend the camera crew double battle as they're always ready to fight and appear in one of three places.


^i was gonna say that lol. hmm i would replace donphan for blaziken and starmie for azumarril but if this is too much work you could level everyone to arround lv 55/60 and evolve shelgon


Yeah the camera crew are the people I fight for training. Put a Blaziken in, that should take care of Sydney for ya
You could evolve Shelgon into Salamence, and make sure you have tons of Revives, Full Restores and Lemonades