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in game and net battle

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Veteran smartass
ingame can be anything that happens in your pokemon game

netbattle is a programm for the computer which has all the data of the pokemon from the games--->you can make a team in 5sec (choose poke/ivs/evs/nature/hidden power/attacks/held item) and then you can battle with it against other netbattlers =)


To clarify:

For instance, the difference of building an in-game team or a NB team.

An in-game team takes your time and devotion to build. Like being an actual trainer, you have to breed, calculate IVs and EVs etc etc

A Netbattle team is put together in mere minutes. You can choose whichever pokémon you like and have it use any attack that it can learn without you being forced to go through hours of breeding and/or training to obtain them.
I personally do not, and will not ever use NetBattle, it makes my Emerald so boring -_-


Well-Known Member
Yeah, what the above people said and netbattle does make the actual games boring I'm more into the games now so I don't use NB as much.


Well, NB is the only way of battling other people online as far as I know.


Live Long & Prosper
If we can all get it, that is...

In game isn't Link Cable battles, either. It's just the solo aspect of it.


Powerplay Champion
yeah, net battles allright, but having all your pokemon with perfect natures and ivs is sorta bs,
nintendo wi-fi with other forum members should be fun though:)
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