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In-game team. but how would it fare in a link battle?


the mystic
I do my teams based on my favorites not on what is especially good. but i do try to make my favorites work together as best they can. I would like move suggestions and item suggestions.

;018; Pigeot:Adamant
ariel ace
I love Pidgeot. my second favorite Kanot pokemon. easy stratagy toxic then whirlwind. plus fly once in a while so that they will miss. especially a couple of turns before they die from toxic so she doesn't get hit.

;006; Charizard: Lonely
wing attack
dragon claw
Sunny day

My favorite pokemon ever. Mostly special sweeper. Modest nature probably would have been better but oh well.

;149; Dragonite: Bashful
Dragon dance

Not great. but you gotta love dragonite! He knows surf just because I need it for in-game.

;059; Arcanine: Mild

He needs another move

;026; Raichu: Quiet
thunder wave
Light screen
Focus Punch

Nidoking: Docile
Sludge Bomb
Shadow ball

Not any strategy with him. just power

If I had Alakazam then my team would be perfect. But i can't get him.

Please rate and give moves.


Well-Known Member
I'd Choice Band Nidoking for more power. You wouldn't want to rebreed him anyway with his moves. Substitute/Focus Punch/Thunderbolt/Ice Beam is a good Dragonite; if you can't get another Focus Punch then you could go with an ingame mixed Dragonite... Iron Tail on Arcanine. Charizard would be good Swords Dancing. Pidgeot likes Aerial Ace/Return/Quick Attack/Steel Wing @ Choice Band.

If you can link up with someone to battle, why can't you trade to get an Alakazam?


^^Pure Genius

Obviously any poke with rock slide will kill this team...and there are a lot of pokes with Rock slide in link battles..You should also ditch fly...


the mystic
Well it is for ingame and fly is useful to have with me. i know it's not great.
And a pokemon with rockslide would not kill this team. I Nidoking with earthquake to kill all rock types. And many other types to kill pokemon with rock slide.

And I can't get Alakazam yet because my pokemon playing friend doesn't have a leaf green yet. but he is going to get it. So I could get Alakazam later. just not yet.


^^Pure Genius

Well it is for ingame and fly is useful to have with me. i know it's not great.
And a pokemon with rockslide would not kill this team. I Nidoking with earthquake to kill all rock types. And many other types to kill pokemon with rock slide.

And I can't get Alakazam yet because my pokemon playing friend doesn't have a leaf green yet. but he is going to get it. So I could get Alakazam later. just not yet.

Not all pokes that use Rock Slide are Rock pokes. And as for Fly...I was just stating that it shouldnt be used Competively. You need a poke that can take a hit like a Tentacruel or something.


Well-Known Member
Well it is for ingame and fly is useful to have with me. i know it's not great.
And a pokemon with rockslide would not kill this team. I Nidoking with earthquake to kill all rock types. And many other types to kill pokemon with rock slide.

And I can't get Alakazam yet because my pokemon playing friend doesn't have a leaf green yet. but he is going to get it. So I could get Alakazam later. just not yet.

You should really get that - put an ice move on that.

Otherwise I can see your team getting swept by Salamence.



Biggest Swampert weakness ever,

Wouldn’t last long for link-battles considering Swampert and his Water friends are some of the most commonly used Pokémon.
Your sixth Pokemon could be Exeggutor or Starmie.

Don’t use Fly on your main Pokémon. Teach it to a random Pidgey or Spearow that you’re not gonna train.


Well-Known Member

Biggest Swampert weakness ever,

Wouldn’t last long for link-battles considering Swampert and his Water friends are some of the most commonly used Pokémon.
Your sixth Pokemon could be Exeggutor or Starmie.

Don’t use Fly on your main Pokémon. Teach it to a random Pidgey or Spearow that you’re not gonna train.

It's why they invented Flying Pikachu.

Or at least I think it's why they did.


Flying Pikachu is a gimmick based on a card:


Poké Girl
I Think your Team looks nice it may have some weaknesses but atleast you are using the Pokemon you like :) I only use pokemon i like too no matter how strong a pokemon is if i dont like it i wont use it. anyway on Dragonite i would use Ice Beam,ThunderBolt,Earthquake,Flamethrower


the mystic
I appreciate the suggestions of different pokemon that I could use. But I'm not really going to change the pokemon in my team. I just want to change their moves.

I was thinking that maybe to get rid of my team's weakness to salamance, I could teach Nidoking rock slide. plus i'm going to teach my dragonite ice beam.

And as for swampert, does anyone have any suggestions as to what i could do with my team to take care of Swampert? (only move suggestions please.)

Oh and I might trade ralts over from my emerald and get rid of Nidoking from my team. (I'm soo sorry Nidoking!) That would get rid of rock slide. but I could teach Gardvoir ice punch. how does that sound?



^That post doesn’t help at all.

I was thinking that maybe to get rid of my team's weakness to salamance, I could teach Nidoking rock slide. plus i'm going to teach my dragonite ice beam.
Yes, Ice Beam.

And as for swampert, does anyone have any suggestions as to what i could do with my team to take care of Swampert? (only move suggestions please.)
None. None of your Pokemon can learn any Grass moves (Hidden Power Grass does not count).

Oh and I might trade ralts over from my emerald and get rid of Nidoking from my team. (I'm soo sorry Nidoking!) That would get rid of rock slide. but I could teach Gardvoir ice punch. how does that sound?
Fire Punch/Thunderbolt are better.


the mystic
I was just thinking ice punch for salamance. plus I already have two fire types.


salamence cant have ice punch nor any ice attacks

He means Ice Punch is to counter Salamence.

Teach Gardevoir

Calm Mind


the mystic
You posted thunderbolt twice for Gardevoir. And I'm not a huge fan of Hypnosis so I will go with ice punch instead of that. I've made up my mind about it too. Thanks.


the mystic
That's an egg move right? What do you breed him with to get it?