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In-Game Team(Link-Up)


My friends and I have battles together every now and then, and I would like some suggestions on my team. Max level is 50, so stuff like T-Tar are out of question. Feel free to take out any of the pokes I have out though, except for Typhlosion =)

Porygon 2@Leftovers
Evs: 200 SpAtk 104 Atk 100 Hp 104 Def
Ice Beam

Porygon as my starter gets rid of Flygons, and other random flyers and dragons that may come up as a starter. Return is there to deal some sort of damage to Blissey. Trace is very useful for killing off Dugtrio as Ice Beam will kill it off and Porygon 2 has the ability of surviving an Earthquake.

Typhlosion@Petaya Berry/Chesto Berry (Which everone I have most of)
252 SpAtk 252Speed 4Atk
Thunder Punch
Focus Punch

It kills off both Skarmory and well as Breloom. (Its also faster, so it can't be spored). However, Blissey walls it in. Before, I was able to use Brick Break on their Bliss because most used a -Def nature and just switched Skarmory against a physical sweeper. Now most of them use a +Def natured Blissey and use 252 EVs in def. Thus, I have to use Focus Punch, but it still only deals around 50%. I could use sub-punching, but I really don't want to do that. Thunderpunch takes care of Gyrados, which my friends seem to love too much -.-. Rest is used to heal, and is used in conjunction with Granbull.

Granbull @Chesto Berry
252 Atk 56 Def 196 Hp
Bulk Up
Shadow Ball
Heal Bell

This thing survives Dugtrio and Flygon earthquakes and kills Gengars with Shadow Ball on the switch. Intimidate lets it come in on a CB Gyrados attack. Bulk up just adds to its defenses/attack.

Gengar@Shell Bell (Lack of better Items)
164 Speed 252 Sp.Atk 92ATk
Shadow Ball
Ice Punch

It T-Bolts everything, and if it hits a ground-type, it Ice Punches it. It explodes when almost dead, or when I just want to get rid of that Blissey.

252 Sp. Atk 224 speed 28 Hp
Ice Beam
Rapid Spin

Rapid spin is kind of iffy right now as the use of spikes is getting lower, so I might change that for T-Bolt.

252 Hp 252Atk 4Def
Seismic Toss
Rock Slide

Rock Slide can cause some damage to Zapdoses and Aerodactyls. Counter is just lovely when Aerodactyls decide to Earthquake you.

Thanks for any comments ^.^