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In Jirachi wshmaker...


Well-Known Member
what did May wish for? I dont think i heard her...


Well-Known Member

(i am writing this because my message is too short)


Well-Known Member
In waht way? (UNLESS, oh god i hope you dont think what i thought)
Why, Max, of course.

Dang, you beat me to it. (if you were answering to CyberCubed, if you were answering the original question, than no)


Well-Known Member
DAMMIT. CAN PEOPLE STOP GIVING ME VAGUE ANSWERS? And i mieant how did Max satisfy May's desires.
DAMMIT. CAN PEOPLE STOP GIVING ME VAGUE ANSWERS? And i mieant how did Max satisfy May's desires.

You really don't want to know :D.

PS. It was a joke kid.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Can You Stop Messing Around Ant Tell Me How Max Filled Her Desires?


Well-Known Member
ohhh. the fact that it was max was a joke. Then now i am back to where i was... WHO the hell was it?


Well-Known Member
im sry, but can you sereiously answer my question?
Don't double post, and it is all up to interpretation (sp) Some Advanceshippers had convinced themselves it was about Ash, some Contestshippers have convinced themselves it was about Drew (much more likely, but still doubtful) some Petalburgshippers have (Terrifyingly) convinced themselves it was about Max. And finally, some non shipping and logical shipping people think it was about her upcoming contests. Oh, by the way, welcome to the forums, enjoy your stay here, and sorry about initiating you a little bit earlier, all in good fun I assure you.


Well-Known Member
thanks. wow... why does it take so long for one question to be answered.
thanks. wow... why does it take so long for one question to be answered.

Man, are you in for a shock. You only waited 1 hour 20 minutes (actually you waited 3, but clearly CC was a joke as well) I have sometimes waited days, and on occasion weeks for an answer. Sometimes you get lucky like you did and it is picked up relatively early, other times, it can drop fast before someone answers. It all depends really. This is a popular part of the forum though as well, had this been asked on like Gen 1 disc, who knows how long it could have been.
Oh, sorry. i didnt know

No reason to say sorry, I was not exhortating (sp) you, I was just telling you it will not always be picked up like lightning (though if you post in THIS forum right here, you should be real safe, as I would say normal Pokemon Anime Discussion is probaby the most used forum, except maybe Misc)


Natsu no Maboroshi
Damn I didn't see the movie...v.v
A vibrating hero to save her from dull moments around idiotic Ash and Horny-as-hell Brock... :D

If I was not bashing John Cena, than I would sig that, that is a grand answer.