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In need of shinys. WILL TRADE BIG FOR THEM!


ok i would like to have any shiny at ANY level. im offering:

Mew (Mystery) lv 100
Deoxys lv 100
Kyogre lv 100
Rayquaza lv 100
Giratina lv 100
Jirachi lv 100
Manaphy (lv 1, hatched from egg)
Mewtwo lv 100
Gible lv 100
Shinx lv 100
Veisquen lv 100 (i can get another)

Shinys i want:


anyother shiny would be fine, it doesnt really matter. just giving ideas.
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<- He want da cookie
Will you take A shiny hacked Mew?


<- He want da cookie
Well would you trade your Manaphy for it?


<- He want da cookie
Sorry forums are laggy for me. I can trade now. What is your FC? Mine is in my sig.


i know. its in GTS. i accidentally picked up the wrong one. the all were, i guess i traded them all off.