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In need of Sword Exclusives to complete Dex


I need the following to finish up my dex. I could really use the help!

Seedot (either keep or breed)
Stonjourner (either keep or breed)
Solrock (keep or trade back)
Passmian (keep or breed)
Mawile (keep or breed)
Rufflet (keep or breed)
Gothita (keep or breed)
Scraggy (keep or breed)
Farfetch'd (keep or breed)


seen regice lately?
Hey man, I think we are in a similar boat but me needing some shield exclusives.

If you've got an aromatisse and solosis
I'd love to do some trades with you.

I've got a sir fetche'd, rufflet, swirlix (with held item) and a solrock to trade to you


seen regice lately?
Just went out to do the cinccino pokemon go event lol I'll be back in three hours or so. Very keen to make these trades happen. Could trade you more of the sword exclusives too if you'd like?


seen regice lately?
Home now and free to trade for the next couple of hours


seen regice lately?
I'm still interested in a aromatisse and solosis


seen regice lately?
Any from the solosis family will do tbh


seen regice lately?
Any of the those yup would be great thanks. I'll set up a trade link. 3864


So I checked and I must of traded my Aromatisse. I just got a spritzee and it's holding satchel so it'll evolve when traded.


seen regice lately?
Cheers man, really appreciate it. Able to finish my Pokédex now. Yay