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In The Knicker Of Time! (281)


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
In The Knicker Of Time!

With his old friend Brock back travelling with him, Ash finds things are returning to normal with all the successful battles. However Ash & Co. see a Zigzagoon and a guy chasing it to capture it. it turns out his name is Nicolai and he is training Pokémon to be able to beat Norman. May & Max dont like this so May challenges him to a battle. Will she win her first battle?

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Factory Head Noland

Nicolai's first appearance! He is so funny with his "Pokemon change!!".
I can't believe that he thought that he could beat Norman with a Mudkip, a Zigzagoon and another Pokemon! Norman's Slakoth could beat all of them in like one hit!
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Shiny May

I like how he changes his clothes all the time but the Dutch Dub voice is terrible. Aweful. I like how Max wanted to have revenge at Nicolai for insulting his father.
And the May vs Nicolai battle was hilarious that May didn't knew what to do. Of course, Ash was a good guide during this battle while Max just didn't see May winning it but Ash kept confidence. Sweet ^.^
The Mudkip vs. Zigzagoon battle was a bit short imo but cool. And I like how Ash battled Nicolai in the end. Though I wish I knew who won the battle !!

Rating : 9/10


Shiny May said:
I like how he changes his clothes all the time but the Dutch Dub voice is terrible. Aweful. I like how Max wanted to have revenge at Nicolai for insulting his father.
And the May vs Nicolai battle was hilarious that May didn't knew what to do. Of course, Ash was a good guide during this battle while Max just didn't see May winning it but Ash kept confidence. Sweet ^.^
The Mudkip vs. Zigzagoon battle was a bit short imo but cool. And I like how Ash battled Nicolai in the end. Though I wish I knew who won the battle !!

Rating : 9/10

probably Ash


Team Awesome
I missed this episode the first time it ran in syndication, but it was definitely an interesting episode. I love Nicolai and his weirdness, he's one of the more interesting characters on the series. :D I especially like how May and Max want to have nothing to do with knickers. LOL


Phantom_Bugsy said:
How did I NOT review this?!

Dude. It's got Nikolai. OF COURSE I LOVE IT. <3 Muh angelllllll. <3

He's voiced by the same guy as Mako from Yu-Gi-Oh, doncha know. And Rafe, from the 7th Movie, has Roba's voice. *nods*

If only Your Angel would appear again after his Second Appearence... to kick Ash's a*s. In the Houen League, maybe?


Well-Known Member
An ok epi. It was pretty funny and mays first battle was funny to watch.
I really hated Nicolai in this episode. After he beat May he started to brag and insult May and her father. Max trying to get revenge on Nicolai was pretty funny, and I loved Nicolai's costume change.


Well-Known Member
An okay episode i've never been a fan of Nicolai, and his bragging about how easy Norman would be after he beat May wasn't good either. I liked May's first battle against another trainer it's to bad she didn't do to well but at least you learn from your experience. Sadly this is the last time Ash and the gang get to battle Arbok & Weezing seeing as how they are let go next episode.


if there is one thing looking ugly then it's that dude dressed as a zigzagoon, anyway it's a decent episode i'm not complaining.


Nicolai was cool. the battle with May wasn't good enough, but it was worth to see it.


Grass Pokemon Expert
I thought this episode was pretty good. I thought it was odd how Nicholai kept chanfing costumes. I wish May would have won her very first battle though, although she did have a major disadvantage. I thought it was pretty rude how Nicholai made fun of Norman just because he defeated May. I was glad that Ash mentioned how he couldn't even beat Norman. However, I did respect Max for sticking up for his father. I wish they would have showed more of Ash's first battle with Taillow.