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In The Pink! (090)


Let's go to the beach, each.
Lapras getting caught in a whirlpool and Ash and friends getting swept to Pinkan Island was an original way of starting this episode in my view. I cackled when Togepi teleported Ash and friends away from the charging Rhyhorn and it just fell off the cliff. Tracey's sketch of Officer Jenny in action also made me giggle; it was so strange of him.

Mrs. Oreo

When I first saw the pink Rhyhorn I thought it was a shiny pokemon ha ha. The island of pink pokemon was a cool place until that pink Nidoking rampaged and almost killed everyone, but I liked how Togepi helped save everyone. :3

Mega Altaria

☆~Shiny hunter▢~
I liked the pink Pokémon in this episode, particularly Nidoking, Rhydon and Oddish, but disappointed that Ash didn't catch one of them.


Pokèmon Master
This episode was a very good one, in my opinion. One of the more memorable ones in my opinion. The pink Pokémon were also quite adorable.

Mrs. Oreo

It's too bad that he never got proper credit for helping to save everyone from Nidoking's attack.

Well Misty kind of took notice of Togepi's Metronome and prolly suspected that Togepi helped, but yea sadly nobody else thought that Togepi had saved them from Nidoking's attack.


Meh I liked the pink Pokemon island, but the ending with Nidoking rampaging wasn't as cool as I remember it being now that I've rewatched it.


Meowth fanatic
Team Rocket's "Pinkyland" song and fantasy was hilarious and James getting himself all excited when he saw a pink Jigglypuff and a pink Lickitung made me cackle. Poor Togepi though. It received no credit for helping against Nidoking.


Pinkan Island having pink-colored Pokemon was wonderful because it seemed like foreshadowing for Shiny Pokemon later. I liked when Satoshi and his friends helped rescue the pink Sihorn, as well as when Nidoking got angry and went on a rampage. And once again, Togepy saved the day and no one noticed.
The pink Rhyhorn would've been a great capture so it sucks how it was against the rules to catch Pinkan Island's Pokemon. When the pink Nidoking chased Ash and crew, I was foolishly hoping that Psyduck's headache powers would stop it.


When Misty used Psyduck, I thought she was being dense since she should've known that he was too weak to stop Nidoking. I think Togepi saving everyone was totally cool.


When Misty used Psyduck, I thought she was being dense since she should've known that he was too weak to stop Nidoking. I think Togepi saving everyone was totally cool.

Kasumi might have been thinking that Koduck's type advantage would help weaken the Nidoking, or perhaps she was hoping that one of Koduck's headache-induced attacks would activate. Then again, she might not have even had a concrete plan and could've just panicked during the chase scene.


I call you honey
So those pink berries dyed all those Pokemon pink as well? So I guess this island was where the Pink Butterfree came from then.
Team Rocket's Pinkyland ploy was funny and I liked how pink Pokemon inhabited the whole island. The chase scene was awesome since we saw Jenny's fast driving skills.


Call of Fate
The episode was alright. I liked seeing Togepi use Metronome to shield the group from the Pink Nidoking's Hyper Beam with Barrier. I was confused when Jenny told the group that Poke Ball isn't useful for catching Rhyhorn. I wish Lapras had used Whirlpool similiarly to how it was used outside of battle in the Johto games, since that'd have saved the group the trouble of getting caught in the whirlpool.