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In The Pink! (090)


KyogreThunder said:
I wish Lapras had used Whirlpool similiarly to how it was used outside of battle in the Johto games, since that'd have saved the group the trouble of getting caught in the whirlpool.

Whirlpool wasn't introduced until Generation II however, hence why Laplace didn't use it here to cross the maelstrom.


I call you honey
The episode was alright. I liked seeing Togepi use Metronome to shield the group from the Pink Nidoking's Hyper Beam with Barrier. I was confused when Jenny told the group that Poke Ball isn't useful for catching Rhyhorn. I wish Lapras had used Whirlpool similiarly to how it was used outside of battle in the Johto games, since that'd have saved the group the trouble of getting caught in the whirlpool.

Wow I didn't even know that the move was Barrier. I kinda assumed that it was Reflect or Protect.


Protect wasn't introduced until Gen II, so Togepy's Metronome turning into Barrier was the most reasonable scenario.


I call you honey
Protect wasn't introduced until Gen II, so Togepy's Metronome turning into Barrier was the most reasonable scenario.

Well we saw Mewtwo use Shadow Ball a year before GS even came out iirc, so it's not impossible that Togepi's protection move was Protect.
Pinkin Island being a special zone for pink Pokemon reminds me of how the Safari Zone is a protected area in the games. The fact that the fruit were what made the Pokemon pink is really hard to believe since that's not something that happens in real life as far as I know, but the chase through the island when Nidoking rampaged was super exciting and it almost killed everyone had it not been for Togepi's Metronome.
The island of pink Pokemon being a nature preserve seemed like a way for the writers to just avoid having Ash and his pals catch one of the rare pink Pokemon there. I thought that Nidoking's outrage and the chase that happened afterwards was pretty fun even though it was trying to kill Ash and his pals the whole time. Togepi came to the rescue again and I liked that Officer Jenny played a key role in this episode since she hardly got to do much in these older episodes. 7/10
The pink Pokémon are cool. Do the Pokémon who eat the pink berries that are pink turn even more pink (like shiny Mudkip)


Geeta is utterly incapable of holding back.
Love this episode and the pink pokemon! Makes me wish we could swap palettes for certain pokemon in the games. Would’ve been nice for Ash to catch that Rhyhorn, although they lose their color if they stop eating the pink fruits.