in what episode was it that ashs phanpy evolved?
I like big butts and i cannot lie. No, i really do.
I like big butts and i cannot lie. No, i really do.
dechoudens1, i may be wrong, but i think you registered under a different name after you were banned as dechoudens. HMMMMM.....
Well dechoudens, clearly the message just hasn't got through to you. I was on Serebii earlier and was pleased to see that you had finally been banned, however, here you are again with yet another pointless thread. Just a question though, are you actually a pokemon fan interested in the anime, or are your ridiculous threads just a way of making fun of a group of people who just want to sit down and have a discussion about the things they're interested in?
Personally, I'm getting tired of seeing your threads taking up half of the anime forum. At first when you were asking these stupid questions, I didn't mind so much as you were just a n00b, and we all make mistakes, but now you really are just taking the p*ss out of this site and the people who work to maintain it.
Dechoudens or dechoudens1 or whatever it is you call yourself now, please make your stay at serebii forums a short one.
Report me if you wish, however, when the mods read my reply along with your threads, they're certainly going to be banning someone, and it ain't me.
P.S. You seem to always be on this site, perhaps you need something better to do with you questionable amount of free time.
I had a nightmare just like this, it came true!! -_- dechoudens1 could you have been more original with a second screename? You know something that wouldn't give you away? Now its only a matter of time before your gone again, and permanently.
And still pointless threads, there not even an attempt to sound smart.