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Indiana Club

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Summon the Ancients
Well I was sad there wasn't an Indiana club so let's start one!
You don't have to live in Indiana to join, but it would be easier. You don't nesicaraly have to live that close by, either-for instance Ohio, Illinois, Michigan, Kentucky, etc.
Heroine of Winds-co-owner
Black Widow- banned for not posting
Mimori Kiryu- banned for not posting
SugarFairy- banned for not posting
Haunter lover- banned for not posting
Arion- banned for not posting
Blackjack Gabbanai
Zapdos39- banned for not posting
Topic:I don't even know anymore.
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top 8 in Detroit
hi make me a co-owner pretty pretty please

Black Widow

Well-Known Member
I live in Kentucky.

Blackjack Gabbiani

Clearly we're great!
I'm originally from Indiana but don't live there any more. Can I still join?
I can't believe I didn't see this before, I'll join. I'm from Knox, IN.

Blackjack Gabbiani

Clearly we're great!
Well, where's everyone from? I'm originally from South Bend.
I live near one of the 3 schools in Knox. Won't say which School.
I've played on there before. But I don't go much on there cause most of my time is wasted here on the fourms.

My name there is Heroine_Of_Winds... I think, I don't remember.
I don't really battle people directly. I just battle them when their controled by computer. Hey, it's easiler and I got my pokemon to the 65's when I last played.

EDIT: Well, with all this talk about pokemoncrater I went back to it. I'll post my team just for the heck of it:

Metallic Alakazam Lv.59
Jolteon Lv.65
Lapras Lv.61
Dark Steelix Lv.69
Charizard (my starter I think) Lv.60
Sceptile Lv.62
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How the heck do you get legendarys?!?
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