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ingame pokemon

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what has been the most powerfull pokemon of all time? in terms of higest attack, sp attack, deffence etc base stats, i think it's either mewtwo or lugia?


Well-Known Member
Has to be a legendary, I remember something have 555 base stats. I'll check a program I have.


You're Illegal
MY rayquaza is lvl 89 right now has an IV of 31 and 312 sp.atk 324 regular atk
Mewtwo, Lugia, Ho-Oh and Rayquaza are tied with 680 total Base.

But in terms of Stat placement, Lugia would be the best. It's so good it has a role of its own: Fast Tank. The others have the usual Stat Lineup of a few other Pokémon. Lugia is unique...


it depends.Mewtwo for a powerful tank. and suicune for a wall.

Blastoise King

Legendary Pokémon Coordinator
lol no. if you use a jask pass groudon is unstoppable. but terms of overall strenght prolly CB Deoxys-F.


Mewtwo is the best pkm, i don't want anyone else tell me else, he's (you can speculate how a legendary is a he/she) the best...
Blue_Poliwhirl24 said:
Mewtwo is the best pkm, i don't want anyone else tell me else, he's (you can speculate how a legendary is a he/she) the best...

But what if you're wrong? :eek:

Anyway, I say Lugia. Groudon may be the best Pokémon in the game, but it needs a fair bit of set-up to work effectively. Lugia can just switch in and work. Not to mention it's one of the only, if not THE only, PHazer in the 00ber metagame.

lol Mewtwo. Physical Attack>Mewtwo. Dark Attack>Mewtwo. Move>Mewtwo.

Rayquaza is also rather lolish. One good Ice Beam takes it down. It Sweeps hard and fast, though, it is good, but just too easily beaten.

Ho-Oh is awesome, but Rock Attacks hammer away at its barely decent Defense. Shame, I like Ho-Oh a lot.

The 8th Champion


Back I guess??
jono_boi said:
what has been the most powerfull pokemon of all time? in terms of higest attack, sp attack, deffence etc base stats, i think it's either mewtwo or lugia?
in base stats:
FR(attack)-deoxys has the best attack and s.attack
blissey has the best HP
Em.(speed)-deoxys has the best speed
and shuckle had the best defense and sp.defense

and ~CB~ one icy wind from an milotic killed my full HP rayquaza (23 in sp.defense IV)


of those four pokemon Lugia appears to be the most stable in terms of type and stat placement. Huge defenses make him a very tough opponent to defeat

Mewtwo, being a pure psychic can easily be taken out by Dark or Bug attacks, though it's going to be a difficult fight... he's probably second best

Rayquaza, being a Dragon/Flying type can be very easily taken out by Ice attacks, though he also has to be wary of Rock attacks

Ho-oh get's 4th prize because of it's kinda crap type combo
Jolteon ^..^ said:
and ~CB~ one icy wind from an milotic killed my full HP rayquaza (23 in sp.defense IV)
Remind me again how a Base 150 Attack Pokémon with Physical STAB and an excellent movepool failed to KO a Milotic in the first place. Failing that, do explain why you kept it in against a notorious Ice Attack user. Failing both, what was the level difference? There should be no failing that, because the problem has to lie in one or more of the above

The 8th Champion


Eh, ragazzo!
Yeah, arguing.

But to answer the original question the four strongest stat wise are...

Again, this is only stat wise.


The four aforementioned legendaries have the best combined base stats, but I'm personally a Groudon fan. Infinate sunny day is an excellent supporting move for another one of my favorites (Exeggutor), as well as whatever you want to stick Flamethrower on.

legendery colecter said:
my raquaza lv100 tell me hoe ot work out da iv's and i will tell ys myne



But you're all forgetting about movesets. Some pokemon can be better than those pokemon simply because they have better movesets, abillities or Type Combinations (e.g. Shedinja beats the standard lugia/kyogre)
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