what has been the most powerfull pokemon of all time? in terms of higest attack, sp attack, deffence etc base stats, i think it's either mewtwo or lugia?
Blue_Poliwhirl24 said:Mewtwo is the best pkm, i don't want anyone else tell me else, he's (you can speculate how a legendary is a he/she) the best...
in base stats:jono_boi said:what has been the most powerfull pokemon of all time? in terms of higest attack, sp attack, deffence etc base stats, i think it's either mewtwo or lugia?
Remind me again how a Base 150 Attack Pokémon with Physical STAB and an excellent movepool failed to KO a Milotic in the first place. Failing that, do explain why you kept it in against a notorious Ice Attack user. Failing both, what was the level difference? There should be no failing that, because the problem has to lie in one or more of the aboveJolteon ^..^ said:and ~CB~ one icy wind from an milotic killed my full HP rayquaza (23 in sp.defense IV)
legendery colecter said:my raquaza lv100 tell me hoe ot work out da iv's and i will tell ys myne