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[Insert Title Here]


Active Member
Oh wow.

I made a banner with Photoshop that actually looks pretty good. o_o

Usually, all the times I try making a banner with Photoshop, it turns out bad, and I end up confusing myself. ._.

Anyway, here it is:


Ph34r my mad Photoshop skillz! xD

And, tell me what you think, please. ^_^


Active Member
Haha, thank you ^_^ Oh, so nobody's confused, the person on the banner is a girl. She's supposed to be me. Well, my main role-play character at least. So yeah x3

So...Is there anyone else willing to comment?
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Active Member
Eh, the same thing happens to me, sometimes. xD


I tried making another banner. This one is supposed to be for the FR/LG Girl club, so yeah...


Eh...I don't think it turned out as good as my first banner, but whatever.

Tell me what you think, please! ^_^
Your banners are nice. I have no talent whatsoever. xD; I like how you darkened (or is that just me) the Leaf picture on your second banner but it would've made more sense to make the background a bit darker so it would match. Your first banner is nice and simple. The text is a bit small but it matches perfectly.


Umi Mizuno

☠ one girl army
Your first banner was a bit plain, your second banner was a big improvement. Especially with the background. :D


Active Member
Thank you for the comments, Onpu and Umi Mizuno!

Yeah, my first banner, I does look kinda plain to me...I couldn't really think of anything else to put on it at the time. I still like it though. ^_^

The only thing I really have to say about my second banner is I should've made the text a different color. It probably would have looked a lot better then the blueish-purple color. ._.

Finished another banner.


Comments, please ^___^
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