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Interesting facts related to Pokémon.


Well-Known Member
1. The anime accidentally predicted all the future gaming gimmicks (not counting gen 7)
- Mystery at the lighthouse (S1E13)- gigantic Dragonite announces Dynamax/Gigantamax
- The crystal Onix (S02E34)- the title pokemon is an announcement "Terrastalization"
- Enlighten up (S05E35)- here is announcement od Mega Evolution because Mega Gyarados perfectly fits the shilhouette shilhouette of the pokemon from Misty's Vision (Also announce new Misty's Pokémon)

2. Dragon-types become less and less dragons over time

3. The names and/or appearance (od Gym Leaders sometimes refer to their specialization and herb are a few Examples:
- Brock (Rock type) has the world "Rock" in his name

-Misty (Water type) has the world "Mist" in her name, wears swimsuits in games

- Lt. Surge (Electric type)- the name speaks for itself, lightning bolts in projects, blond hair

-Morty (Ghost type)- the name contains the world "Mort, which means "Death" in some languages, clothes in ghost-type colors

- Wattson (Electric type)- lightning in projects

- Winona (Flying Type)- wears an aviator's outfit

-Flannery (Fire type)- red hair, flame on the T-Shirt

- Gardenia (Grass type)- has the world "garden" in her name

- Candice (Ice type)- has world "Ice" in her name

- Cilan (Grass type), Chili (Fire type) and Cress (Water type)- each one has hair and eye colors related to their type and a bow Tim of the same color. Chili's name also has some connection with fire
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New Member
Ekans snake
Arbok kobra
Hitmonlee is brucelee
Hitmonchan is jackie chan
High jump kick is longest move name in Pokemon Blue


New Member
1. The anime accidentally predicted all the future gaming gimmicks (not counting gen 7)
- Mystery at the lighthouse (S1E13)- gigantic Dragonite announces Dynamax/Gigantamax
- The crystal Onix (S02E34)- the title pokemon is an announcement "Terrastalization"
- Enlighten up (S05E35)- here is announcement od Mega Evolution because Mega Gyarados perfectly fits the shilhouette shilhouette of the pokemon from Misty's Vision (Also announce new Misty's Pokémon)

2. Dragon-types become less and less dragons over time

3. The names and/or appearance (od Gym Leaders sometimes refer to their specialization and herb are a few Examples:
- Brock (Rock type) has the world "Rock" in his name

-Misty (Water type) has the world "Mist" in her name, wears swimsuits in games

- Lt. Surge (Electric type)- the name speaks for itself, lightning bolts in projects, blond hair

-Morty (Ghost type)- the name contains the world "Mort, which means "Death" in some languages, clothes in ghost-type colors

- Wattson (Electric type)- lightning in projects

- Winona (Flying Type)- wears an aviator's outfit

-Flannery (Fire type)- red hair, flame on the T-Shirt

- Gardenia (Grass type)- has the world "garden" in her name

- Candice (Ice type)- has world "Ice" in her name

- Cilan (Grass type), Chili (Fire type) and Cress (Water type)- each one has hair and eye colors related to their type and a bow Tim of the same color. Chili's name also has some connection with fire

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Thats rly interesting! Some things even I don't know!


Avid Pokemon TCG Card collector.
Growlithe doesn't learn the move Growl That line is stuck in my head from one of MandJTV on youtube.
Gyarados a water pokemon can learn flamethrower and earthquake. These have no real logic on it

Roxanne is a wordplay for Rock
Brawly and Norman names are very easy to figure out their types
Burgh's name is close to bugs in plural scenario
Gumshoos looks like Donald Trump's hair
The anime Alolan Persian bully ends up fleeing badly injured like every team rocket loses
Pokémon Is the Highest-Grossing Media Franchise
With over $100 billion in total revenue from games, movies, merchandise, and trading cards, Pokémon surpasses franchises like Star Wars and Marvel!


Team Awesome
All of the starters since gen 1 have at least one member of their family that has a name that starts with a letter between A and G except for the following:
