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Interesting Pokemon facts


Eh, ragazzo!
So the previous Pokemon facts thread has not had a post in like 3 months.
I decided to post a new thread where you can post Pokemon facts (or in some cases, interesting speculation).

Anyway, there is a flower naming convention in Pokemon.
You may know of Chariman Rose. He works at (Macro) Cosmos. His brother is Peony (another type of pinkish flower).
Here's another one, and one I think Bulbapedia has wrong, but I believe Oleana is named from the oleander shrub.

It makes sense to me at least.

Anyway, post away.


Well-Known Member
You can get a free Tentacool in Cianwood city from a dude at the Pokemon Center there in HGSS if you have no Pokemon in your team or boxes that can learn Surf. This is to prevent you from getting stuck on the island.


Anyway, there is a flower naming convention in Pokemon.
You may know of Chariman Rose. He works at (Macro) Cosmos. His brother is Peony (another type of pinkish flower).
Here's another one, and one I think Bulbapedia has wrong, but I believe Oleana is named from the oleander shrub.
I think it would be more accurate to say plant rather than flower: almost every non-playable major character in the Japanese versions of the games have a name based on a species of plant.


Eh, ragazzo!
I think it would be more accurate to say plant rather than flower: almost every non-playable major character in the Japanese versions of the games have a name based on a species of plant.
In the case of whoever works at Macro Cosmos, they all seem to be more flower based, rather than gymnosperm, fern, or anything lower.


New Member
I just learned that Delibird doesn't carry around a bag, but that it have actually bundled up its tail to carry food around:
Delibird carries its food bundled up in its tail. There once was a famous explorer who managed to reach the peak of the world’s highest mountain, thanks to one of these Pokémon sharing its food.
Do you also have some unexpected Pokemon facts to share?
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I come and go suddenly
I still think it's worth sharing these.

-Litleo and Pyroar are currently the only Pokemon in the entire series to have a 7 females to 1 male gender ratio.
-Heatran, Kubfu and Urshifu are currently the only legendary Pokemon that can be either gender.


On a quest to be the best...
Pikachu was designed by Atsuko Nishida. She based its design on a dumpling with ears added. Satoshi Tajiri decided it looked like a mouse, so he named it Pikachu.
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playing Version X
The DS houses the most Pokémon games with 9.

Those being:
Black 2
White 2


Eh, ragazzo!
Generations 2 and 7 were the only ones that didn't introduce new fossil Pokemon.


Artistic Flair
Hitmontop's Japanese name, Kapoerer, is based off the Brazilian martial art capoeira that is known incorporating dance-like moves. This is reflected in its "modern" 3D model that has it moving in a fashion similar to the Tekken character, Eddie Gordo.

Necrozma currently has the highest catch rate of all Legendaries, buffed to 255 from 3 in USUM. Unusually it was not "nerfed" back to its previous catch rate after USUM, Rayquaza and the Gen 6 and 7 box mascots also did not have a nerfed catch rate after the games they were required catches.
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Ghost-Type Master
Blastoise's English name technically makes no sense, given its typing.

Blastoise is a Water-type Pokémon, but its namesake, the tortoise, is an exclusively land-dwelling animal. In fact, this attribute is the one thing that separates tortoises from all other turtles.