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Intro thread! :O



Omg, its been such a long time. For those who don't know who I am, I used to be blizzard_absol. I kinda died, and my account got deleted...I regret dying though. I started to miss all my old friends and stuff, so yeah. I'm back, with more insanity in a sense and less in another. :B Its good to see some things are still the same as I remembered. <3 Anyways, if you remember me then please post. And if you don't, go awayeh. </3 Just kidding. I luff hello's. So greet me! xDD;; Sorry, I'm kindsa crazy today. @o@;;

T.W. North

Kiss That!
I realized o_O

Seeing as you ordered me to greet you - HI!!!1! (just felt like putting the one in...you know, newbie lounge...never mind).


Well-Known Member
I have no clue who you are, but welcome back. You kinda sound like me when I'm hyper. XD Have a great time and I presume you know the rules.


@Northeh: Yay! ;D I feel like such a noob. ._.;; I tried to make this thread last night, before I recieved my validation email thingeh, and I'm like...oh, duh. xP;

@Poochyena: Haha, thanks. ^^ I'm always hyper, sometimes more than usual though. I'm really hyper now because I'm sick, if that makes sense. And yeah, of course I do. ^^
Hey :O!!! Welcome back to SPPF

Remember me? =P

♥Princess Ketchum♥

#1 Ash Satoshi Lover
Hi there welcome Back ^_______^ * hugs* and glad to see u bak

Wolf Goddess

~Lupo Di Autunno~
Welcome back. I don't remember you too terribly well, but I do remember seeing you around.


Welcome, proove yourself in the forums if you want to be my 'buddy'.

See I changed it >_>


Woww, I feel speshul. xD <3 Warning: Verry long post ahead.

@Deoxytwo: You do? I don't remember seeing you around, but thanks! ^_^ Can I like, add you to my buddy list anyways then? xD;; I'm too lazy to PM anyone. I reckon being friends should be a bit more than a simple PM request. xB

@Shining Mew: Whee, thanks! Of course I remember you. <333

@unownmew: Haha, thanks. ^.~ And as I said to Deoxy; Lazy and such. Feel free to add me anyways though; I'll add you too, just so I don't forget you. xP

@Mudkip Girl: *Ish hugged* Thanks. ^^ Did you change your name or something? I don't remember seeing you around. May just be me and my stupidity. ^^;

@Wolf Goddess: *Shrieks* I think I remember you! You were originally Shining Sierra, right? o.o; If not, then sorry about my idiocy. xD;

Wolf Goddess

~Lupo Di Autunno~
Blizzard said:
@Wolf Goddess: *Shrieks* I think I remember you! You were originally Shining Sierra, right? o.o; If not, then sorry about my idiocy. xD;

Yup, I was Shining Sierra. ^^


Finally, I post again.

@FrenzyPlant: I'll try prove myself. o.o I bet I'll miserably fail [as I do everything], but I'll try...

@Wolf Goddess: Eeee, yay! I remember being part of your LOTR club. xD;;

Thanks for the welcomes and such everyone~ <3 *Feels settleded in noww*