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Hello everyone. I've been coming on Serebii a lot over the past two months or so and have now decided that I should join the forums. I did not join them before as I had decided to take a break from visiting online forums as they can become too addictive but now I've decided that I'd like to give them another go.

Anyway I'll tell you all a bit about myself. My name is Henry, I'm 15 and I come from England. I like playing rugby, tennis, snooker and table tennis and of course I love video games. My favourite games are of course Pokemon and also Zelda but I adore many other games too. I used to run my own medium-sized gaming website which has collapsed now so I know how forums work and are run and I enjoy web and graphics design.

Hopefully I'll be quite active here and can get to know some of you but cheerio for now.


echospace obsessive
Why hallo thar henryc.

*insert generic,boring and crappy comment here*
Nice banner me likes.

oh and like read the rules and stuff.


-swampert used gasp!
hi! welcome to serebii! have a fun time here and read the rules! and pm me if your bored or wanna friend -thats probably what crab meant by an unintersting,bland,boring,and crappy coment. xD (i do mean it all that read the rules and pm me stuff tho)
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Queen of Charizards!
Cool. Nice to meet you. Hope you have loads of fun in the forums


Thanks for your kind welcomes, and I may just take up that offer and PM you some time ;o


i dont mind being your friend aswell just pm me if you want to be


Queen of Charizards!
I'm cool with being your friend too. Just PM me to let me knwo if you want to be friends